I've recently discovered a bug, and I wanted to make sure it worked for any combination.
My tests include the following
CRTL + one of the items in the list below
ALT + one of the items in the list below
CRTL + ALT + one of the items in the list below.
Buttons tested:,num1,num2,num*,num-,F1,F2,F3
What happens:
I can press the Singular button (1/2/3 etc.) And no matter how long I wait, if I then press the corresponding "prekey" (crtl/ alt , crtl + alt), the scene with switch overlays.
I have a hotkey ctrl alt f1.
I am in my browser, press f1. I click on some pages, do stuff. After a while I press CRTL + ALT at the same time. My scene now switches.
this works for any of the combinations above.
I've recently discovered a bug, and I wanted to make sure it worked for any combination.
My tests include the following
CRTL + one of the items in the list below
ALT + one of the items in the list below
CRTL + ALT + one of the items in the list below.
Buttons tested:,num1,num2,num*,num-,F1,F2,F3
What happens:
I can press the Singular button (1/2/3 etc.) And no matter how long I wait, if I then press the corresponding "prekey" (crtl/ alt , crtl + alt), the scene with switch overlays.
I have a hotkey ctrl alt f1.
I am in my browser, press f1. I click on some pages, do stuff. After a while I press CRTL + ALT at the same time. My scene now switches.
this works for any of the combinations above.