Bug Report Hotkey bug: remembering keypresses.


New Member

I've recently discovered a bug, and I wanted to make sure it worked for any combination.
My tests include the following

CRTL + one of the items in the list below
ALT + one of the items in the list below
CRTL + ALT + one of the items in the list below.

Buttons tested:,num1,num2,num*,num-,F1,F2,F3

What happens:
I can press the Singular button (1/2/3 etc.) And no matter how long I wait, if I then press the corresponding "prekey" (crtl/ alt , crtl + alt), the scene with switch overlays.

I have a hotkey ctrl alt f1.

I am in my browser, press f1. I click on some pages, do stuff. After a while I press CRTL + ALT at the same time. My scene now switches.

this works for any of the combinations above.



New Member
BUMP, is there a way to fix this?
It's kinda annoying when having 20+ scenes and having to use actual letters/numbers

Suslik V

Active Member
at least Ctrl + Num 1 I can confirm on my PS/2 keyboard. Other combination I didn't checked yet.

I'm typing in windows notepad, pressed 1 on numpad and then about 10 other symbols and then pressed CTRL and scenes switched (two combinations were assigned to Switch to scene Ctrl + F1 and Ctrl + Num 1)

If I switch to different window (windows calc at least, where I wouldn't press Num 1) or minimize it, then all works just fine.

Log-file https://gist.github.com/e59f9e79a3ac630b36cc


New Member
I can confirm this bug too. I have several hotkeys like Ctrl+Alt+S, Ctrl+Alt+D, Ctrl+Alt+V, etc. If I hit S, D, or V alone at any time, the next time I hit Ctrl+Alt together, whichever keys I hit (S,D,V) will fire the hotkeys in OBS. This makes hotkeys virtually unusable unless I stick to using really obscure key bindings. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help resolve this. I might dive into the code if I can find the time but I'm pretty swamped at work at the moment.


Steps to reproduce:

1) Set a scene1, assign ctrl-alt-1 as hotkey
2) Set a scene2, assign ctrl-alt-2 as hotkey

Put OBS out of focus.

Press 2, release, press ctrl-alt at the same time. Voila. Scene switches and it shouldn't.
Press 1, release, press ctrl-alt at the same time. Voila. Scene switches and it shouldn't.

You can go back and forth between scenes this way.
Thanks for putting this on Mantis.
I'm having the same issue.

I have setup hotkeys for scenes like:
right STRG + numkey 1 = Scene X
right STRG + numkey 2 = Scene Y
right STRG + numkey 3 = Scene Z

Whenever I work in another applications document, in my case sublime text and press a number on the number keypad OBS remembers it until I use STRG (to copy and paste for example) and then switches the scene.
It 'forgets' the number pressed when I put a different window in focus after using the numkey.

For me the odd thing about this, except the apparent issue, is that apparently the order of buttons pressed isn't factored in in OBS.
That is: I press '1' on the numkeypad and THEN STRG and OBS takes that as a hotkey command instead of me holding STRG and then pressing '1'.

Hope this is fixed soon.