Question / Help hope add get title plugins


I want a plugins can get exe title.

some way is write in s txt file, obs to read the file.

but the way is keep watch the exe title every time some soft is write file every time.

and obs is watch the dir every time, when the file is write new, read the file.

if have a plugins is obs straight watch exe, is fast and simple. if can use some function to set title txt to display.

2017-03-11 01 50 18.png

like this, but can not support obss, and can not watch every exe window~

I use HRSword watch the exe what to do~

2017-03-11 01 51 52.png

today I try foo_np_simple and snip, both have a bug because time write time I only give up playing time and events on every second.

I want game title, web page title, documents title on edit, etc...

2017-03-11 01 36 21.png

2017-03-11 01 55 13.png

if have this plugins and function, these will be simple~

and the top windows title, when change top windows, obs can change too~
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