Question / Help High percentage of dropped frames when live (>4-5%), memory leak?


New Member
Hey there.

Recently I made the switched to OBS studio from OBS classic when OBS classic started to randomly crash on me. I really like studio and it's been working well for me so far, though lately I've been dealing with a huge amount of dropped frames when streaming to Twitch. I checked the log files and it attributes my dropped frames to bandwidth/connection failures, but my connection has been a stable 20Mbps up every time I've checked while this has been happening. The log files also mentioned a memory leak at the very bottom. Is it possible that I could just have a poor connection to the server I was streaming to, or is it something on my side that I need to look at?

Here's a log of my most recent stream:


New Member
I am getting that same issue, I am dropping tons of frames

This is what shows up
9:04:54 PM.531: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] User stopped the stream
9:04:54 PM.531: Output 'simple_stream': stopping
9:04:54 PM.531: Output 'simple_stream': Total encoded frames: 3610
9:04:54 PM.531: Output 'simple_stream': Total drawn frames: 3610
9:04:54 PM.531: Output 'simple_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 3291 (91.2%)

yet, I have a 60Mbps down and 5 Upload and I've been gone all weekend with the router/modem unplugged and my computer, no one and nothing has been affecting my computer or net the entire weekend. I however don't get that memory leak as mentioned above.

I'm not dropping any packets when doing a ping test from cmd to google, or even twitch. My speed is where it is supposed to be at.



  • 2016-10-17 21-09-18.txt
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New Member
Hello rays!

Unfortunately I had the same problems. It only began when I got my new RX 480 video card.

I looked at posts around here and tried everything. My upload is 25+, and I've never had issues with connection - but nonetheless, I did the Twitch test for the ingest servers. Had beautiful numbers for them all. Tried switching from Chicago/NY to VA, no change. Tried knocking down all my game settings, thinking there was some bottleneck. No change. Tried different encoders, no change. Tried disabling IPV6, changing process priority, and a bunch of other things I can't remember right now. Nothing changed it - I would drop about 5% of my frames no matter what, even on a static welcome screen.

The only thing that fixed my problem, unfortunately, was going back to OBS Classic.

I rebuilt all my scenes in there (tedious) but my first stream back on classic, I dropped zero frames over about 7 hours.

I do not know what the issue is, because it does not seem to be affecting ALL OBS Studio users, only some. But until it's fixed I'm stuck on old OBS.