New Member
Hi. I'm pretty new in all this screen recording thing and in Linux overall as well.
I managed to install Nvidia 440 signed drivers and OBS 24.0.3 (64 bit) on Fedora 31. In Advanced output mode I have options NVIDIA NVENC H.264, FFMPEG VAAPI and x264 available in Streaming and Recording sections. I managed to get audio to wok as well. Everything works and i can record video.
But issue is with Skipped frames due to encoding lag 3929 / 4034 (97.4%).
While picture quality and colors is really perfect, video itself looses most of the frames. Like... it records fine for first 3-5 seconds and them drastically drops frames like fame per second or so.
My PC is not the newest one, but it is as it is.
i7-4960X Processor Extreme Edition
SSD Raid10
GTX 760 (For recording and daily tasks)
RX 580 8GB (Secondary, not incorporated in any recording activities)
Anyway, IMO i should be able to get decent screen recording performance out of this old boy.
I am not sure what logs or errors i should look for to have any hints about my encoding frame drop issue.
I am using i3wm and compton (with glx).
I tried to turn off "Allow Flipping" in nvidia-settings. Don't see any improvements.
Removed and re-installed obs-studio.
Installed `sudo dnf install xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-cuda` (and fixed Plymouth issue which came along with this command).
Noveau is disabled.
I tried to record by using CPU and x264. It records perfectly super great, but it eats up like 8-9% of CPU, which is important to me as i need to run several virtual machines while recording and i need that CPU power.
`ffmpeg -codecs | grep nvenc` - shows that i have `h264_nvenc nvenc nvenc_h264 nvenc_hevc` and `hevc_nvenc`.
For sure i tried to change Bitrate as low as 2500 Kbps and as high as 50000 Kbps. No any noticeable differences. I tried to change Rate Control as well with no any luck.
In Simple Output Mode i have option Hardware (NVENC) option and 2 x264 Software options. Hardware (NVENC) does not work as well. I assume, that the same as in Advanced mode. Not sure why naming is different for the same encoder.
Recording Format also has no any effect on final result.
I don't see any noticeable errors or lags while doing those recording tests.
I added one of my log files.
I would be grateful for any hints.
I managed to install Nvidia 440 signed drivers and OBS 24.0.3 (64 bit) on Fedora 31. In Advanced output mode I have options NVIDIA NVENC H.264, FFMPEG VAAPI and x264 available in Streaming and Recording sections. I managed to get audio to wok as well. Everything works and i can record video.
But issue is with Skipped frames due to encoding lag 3929 / 4034 (97.4%).
While picture quality and colors is really perfect, video itself looses most of the frames. Like... it records fine for first 3-5 seconds and them drastically drops frames like fame per second or so.
My PC is not the newest one, but it is as it is.
i7-4960X Processor Extreme Edition
SSD Raid10
GTX 760 (For recording and daily tasks)
RX 580 8GB (Secondary, not incorporated in any recording activities)
Anyway, IMO i should be able to get decent screen recording performance out of this old boy.
I am not sure what logs or errors i should look for to have any hints about my encoding frame drop issue.
I am using i3wm and compton (with glx).
I tried to turn off "Allow Flipping" in nvidia-settings. Don't see any improvements.
Removed and re-installed obs-studio.
Installed `sudo dnf install xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-cuda` (and fixed Plymouth issue which came along with this command).
Noveau is disabled.
I tried to record by using CPU and x264. It records perfectly super great, but it eats up like 8-9% of CPU, which is important to me as i need to run several virtual machines while recording and i need that CPU power.
`ffmpeg -codecs | grep nvenc` - shows that i have `h264_nvenc nvenc nvenc_h264 nvenc_hevc` and `hevc_nvenc`.
For sure i tried to change Bitrate as low as 2500 Kbps and as high as 50000 Kbps. No any noticeable differences. I tried to change Rate Control as well with no any luck.
In Simple Output Mode i have option Hardware (NVENC) option and 2 x264 Software options. Hardware (NVENC) does not work as well. I assume, that the same as in Advanced mode. Not sure why naming is different for the same encoder.
Recording Format also has no any effect on final result.
I don't see any noticeable errors or lags while doing those recording tests.
I added one of my log files.
I would be grateful for any hints.