I stream on 1600x900, but my monitor resolution is 1440x900. If I stream on this native resolution, there will be black bars bordering the video. So I must use 1200x675 on the output resolution? I'll do it.
I changed to veryfast again, but it stills the same thing.
I'm not saying you
have to use 1200x675 as your output resolution. However, if your base canvas resolution is 1600x900, then 1200x674 isn't the same aspect ratio, so it would make sense to use 1200x675 instead.
Also, changing your base canvas to larger than your monitor may be making more work for your system. I missed that the first time. If you're making the base canvas larger, what are you doing to your sources? Are you stretching them to fit?
21:32:42.730: Output 'adv_stream': Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 766 (36.9%)
21:32:42.730: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 24 (1.2%)
21:32:42.754: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
21:32:43.485: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 766 (37.0%)
21:32:43.485: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 24 (1.2%)
21:32:43.485: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
This is less skipped/lagged frame than before, but chances are your CPU can't handle recording and streaming on top of its existing tasks. Try setting your streaming x264 encoder to superfast or ultrafast.
You may also want to consider trying this in a fresh Scene
Collection to make sure that your other scenes aren't causing the slowdown.
After those entries in your log, you adjusted your output resolution to 1280x720, and your encoder started to choke. After that, there are a bunch of adjustments and retries, and then the log gets cut off. Please try to only do a single recording/streaming attempt with a single set of settings. Making lots of changes and multiple attempts clutters the log and makes it hard to see where the issues are occurring. Please also make sure to upload
complete logs that show the start and end of your streaming/recording sessions.