Question / Help High encoding CPU issues inobs studio.PLEASE HELP


New Member
I would like to know if my laptop is capable of streaming 1080p60fps..So...
What are best streaming options with a 7th gen i7-7500U dual-core 4 way processing performance?Can I stream 1080p 60fps or am I restricted to 720 60fps or cant even stream in 60fps??Please respond.
Im really not able to stream with obs,but through elgato software Im able to stream 1080p30fps with no issues really,,with mutliple overlays and webcam,but through obs I ALWAYS get the high encoding message and also Im not gaming on laptop.Im on xbox one using elgato hd60 to stream.I haven't tried 1080p60fps with elgato software yet because if any scenes/webcam is added it restricts it to 30fps no matter wat and I want scenes and webcam.I know I dnt have the best laptop for streaming but Im confused because Im able to stream with one but not another software so it kinda makes me believe its not my laptop and I also watched at least 15plus youtube videos on best twitch streaming settings and all videos got abiut the same settings BUT none seem to work for me so I dnt know if its a issue with obs directly because even when i just do local recording it starts to lag and get all choppy and show the same high cpu usage/encoding message and I make sure i have NO other programs open.So anyome with any insight please help,and explained to me whats the issue,if its my laptop please explain to me what its is as well as if its my laptop why isnt it not working with Elgato as well.


Forum Admin
Please post a link to a clean log file. To make a clean log file, first restart OBS, then start your stream/recording for ~30 seconds and stop it again. Make sure you replicate any issues as best you can, which means having any games/apps open and captured, etc. When you're done select Help > Log Files > Upload Current Log File. Copy the URL and paste it here.


New Member
Ok,will do once i get home from work..But for now,based off my computer specs,do u think I should be able to stream 1080p60fps??


Forum Admin
18:24:22.134: Output 'adv_stream': Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 224675568 (5.2%)
18:24:22.134: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 33 (0.8%)

Does not look like it. You have a low-power CPU with no actual GPU.


Active Member
Your CPU is literally a marketing trick to sell other Notebook configurations, 1080p60 with x264 will be pretty much impossible and even 720p60 is not really within reach depending on the game, though since are streaming your console you might get away with 720p60 but thats nothing we can tell you, you would have to test it for yourself and see how your cpu usage behaves and what your cpu temperatures look like.