Hi8 Tape conversion glitch


New Member
Hi! Just today I found all my RCA cables and adaptors to be able to covert my hi8 tapes through video capture in OBS. When I first started, the videos from the camcorder wouldn't show up, so I switched around the RCA cables and then it started showing perfectly and I was able to digitize half of my tape. I then unplugged it and replugged it and ever since then the video is barely showing up with a dark red black tint where you can kind of see the outline of the objects but when it plays it just glitches. I have tried to redownload the software, moved around the RCA cables, replaced the tape, try on another video capturing software (same blackish reddish image show up) but nothing seems to be getting the original video footage back on. If anyone has any ideas on how to fix it I would greatly appreciate it!
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