Here is how to show highlighted chat comments in OBS


New Member
It's that one feature that everybody who live streams to YouTube, Twitch, Facebook etc., wishes they had in OBS Studio but there is no plugin for it - highlighting individual chat comments! It's a killer feature of Streamyard, Restream, Ecamm Live, be.Live and others, but if you are are committed to using OBS you are out of luck if you want this too. Until now.

I have put a video together showing how anybody can do this without plugins and without paying for a subscription. It works 100% and gets the job done right inside OBS!

Hope you enjoy it :)


New Member
I actually made a plugin that integrates live youtube comments with OBS studio. Bassically its an app called twidget that you can install on windows where you simply log in with google and paste your livestream link and then simply select the comments you would like to display and it will be displayed in OBS! Here it is:


New Member
Hello. Is there any way to install it on Mac? Or any Mac alternative? I love your project, but i am doing Q&A streams from Mac and cannot use this.


New Member
Also, check out my medium article on this which features a complete guide on Twidget:

hey ZackyVT - this works great for Twitch chats, and public YouTube chats, but sadly for unlisted YT streams you have to keep logging off the Twidget app and logging back in for messages to update. Also is there a way for this to be used on another local machine as I'm not near the OBS machine when live streaming. regardless, great work, and all credit to you!


New Member
More than six months on and nothing I'm afraid. I'm sure if @Exeldro did one it would be superb.

The problem with MacOS support isn't neccessarily with the code. In fact I used a cross platform desktop framework that is able to run on MacOS, but MacOS is very strict on the apps that can run (needs to be code signed with is very expensive). The code itself is on github if anyone wants to try and compile the app from source though. I simply didn't compile it for MacOS since nobody can really install it because it isn't code signed, I also did not compile it for linux since there wasn't enough demand for me to do so. But again, code is on github!


New Member
Can you still run unsigned code on Mac, if you give it permission?

It is, but its very cumbersome to the point where the average user would probably just give up on doing so. It might even be easier to compile the app manually from source tbh.


New Member
It is, but its very cumbersome to the point where the average user would probably just give up on doing so. It might even be easier to compile the app manually from source tbh.

Hello. I have tried. I have compiled the app from your source. It runs on Mac M1, but I have a problem with the chat refresh. When I click Start and fill the stream URL, all the messages are loaded fine. But since it running, no more messages are loaded to the app. When I stop it and run again, it will load all messages again. It looks loading of the messages runs only once.


New Member
Snímek obrazovky 2022-01-25 v 19.58.40.png

Maybe this error can get a clue.


New Member
awesome plugin/software! @ZackyVT can you add option for change color of basic chat list font and basic chat background (colored or transparent)? i try to add the list to my stream but dont feet my color