Help with PERSISTENT audio dropping issue (Across multiple updates.)


New Member
Hello! I've come here in a near last straw attempt to find out what this audio issue is. It has been occurring for the better part of 4 months and it started randomly.

My issue in detail is that whenever I start my stream, everything seems to be in order. My mic/desktop audio levels show up in working order and when I check the stream they both work. However, without fail sometime within the stream duration, ONLY the desktop audio completely cuts out. On my end in OBS, the desktop audio bar seems normal. The levels show activity and there are no suspicious changes. I only ever know there is an issue when somebody tells me in chat or I check the vod. The only way that i'm able to fix this issue temporarily is to reset my OBS application and restart the stream. Which over the course of a 2-hour stream I have to do at least 3 times. I'm absolutely fed up with doing it and it is really making streaming a chore for me.

I'm not familiar working with logs, but below is the last stream i did. The issue of course appeared so i had to restart stream 3 times to finish it. Which is why there are 3 logs. I updated very recently to the newest version and it still persists for me.

Thanks for your help.


  • 2020-10-01 20-54-33.txt
    17.3 KB · Views: 8
  • 2020-10-01 20-59-07.txt
    10.9 KB · Views: 4
  • 2020-10-01 21-04-26.txt
    17.4 KB · Views: 4