Question / Help Help w/ Black Screen of Death on New Laptop Using OBS Studio


New Member
I just bought a brand new Lenovo Thinkpad P72 (P720) laptop to run the OBS Studio software. My old machine could not run a good stream. Running OBS now I am getting a black screen. I found a description of that very issue online, and it said to go to my NVideo Control Panel and then to 3D settings, then, on the right, I am to switch go to the first tab (global settings) and select 'High Performance Video Processor' in the second dropdpown. I did that. It now says 'High Performance Video Processor' in the second dropdown. Then, on the second tab (program settings), I selected the OBS Studio form the dropdown, then in the 2nd dropdown, I chose 'High Performance Video Processor' again. Then I applied those settings. This is what the 'fix' said to do. Then I even restarted my laptop, re-opened OBS and it STILL SHOWS THE BLACK SSCREEN.

WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? According to everything said on this subject, I have changed my main display to run off of my NVidia graphics card, but apparently YOUR software (OBS Studio) does not recognize that fact. PLEASE HELP! I bought this laptop because my old one would NOT stream worth a darn, but now I got THIS one nd OBS cannot see my main display! BLACK SCREN OF DEATH!!!!


New Member
OK, so on the SECOND TAB (program settings),and select the OBS software in drop down #1, then select the onboard Intel graohics card in drop down #2, I CAN SEE MY DISPLAY NOW. BUUUUUUT.......won't that affect my video quality, having the intel card driving the displays? I guess I can test it and see. Any assistance on this issue would still be greatly appreciated.


Forum Admin
Your Intel GPU will always be driving the desktop, the NVIDIA will take over for games. OBS has to be running on the same card depending on what you want to capture. Display capture? Run OBS on Intel. Games? NVIDIA.