Question / Help help streaming league of legends


New Member
Hello everyone, I would like to stream my lol games on twitch or other platforms using OBS, however i ran into a couple troubles with fps dropping and/or weird movements in game and I think the reason for this is my poor knowledge in setting up the correct settings of OBS.( i don't think my pc is the real problem but i could be wrong ) . I Would love if someone with more experience would try to help me.
I have no problems running the game without streaming, i can get up to 200 fps even though i have read that it is not game changing so i keep it at 140 and everything works perfectly fine.
pc Overview :

macOS HIgh Sierra version 10.13.6
iMac ( Retina 5k, 27- inch , 2017)
Processor : 3,4GHz Intel Core i5
Memory : 8GB 2400 MHz DDR4
Graphics : Radeon Pro 570 4096MB

Internet connection : 50,9 mbps download and 19,6 mbps upload

Thank you.


Active Member
Not sure who you are talking to. The people who provide support here, like me, are users of the program who volunteer to help others.

To help most users, we need to see a logfile. If you don't want to provide one, that's fine, but for the majority of problems its very helpful to have one, and for some problems it's almost impossible to help without one.

Just specs, without a logfile, without knowledge of what settings you are using with OBS, anything I would write is just guesswork.

If you had uploaded a logfile-- something the app has a built-in function to do-- I would likely have already given you an answer or at least some suggestions by now.

The post I linked is a sticky in the forum, something all users are expected to read before posting, and it politely asks all users to submit a logfile with their problem or question in order that people can get help faster.