Help on updating the obs-gphoto plugin


New Member
Hi there! I've been trying to update the old obs-gphoto plugin for a few days now. But provided that I have near 0 knowledge in C and cmake, this have proven difficult. At this point, I'm struggling on a Incomplete definition of type 'struct obs_source' error when trying to use this field.

I would appriciate if any person with sufficient knowledge in C an dOBS plugin development wouls help me.


Active Member
From the README:

For installation from source:​


Install requirements: dnf install libgphoto2-devel obs-studio-devel ImageMagick-devel systemd-devel
Use whatever package manager your distro has to install those, if you haven't already.
For Debian/Ubuntu, it would be:
sudo apt install libgphoto2-devel obs-studio-devel ImageMagick-devel systemd-devel

obs_source_t is probably defined in <obs-module.h>, which is probably part of obs-studio-devel.


Active Member
Any decent IDE should be able to follow all of the references that the code makes to itself and its libraries.

Barring that, you could use some of your own smarts with the OS's file-search tools: find that file, and then search it for the definition. Or you might do both in one step while you grab some lunch or something like that.