So I unticked my webcam and ticked it back on after I started the stream, it wasn't working. So I dis and the re-connected it from the computer, deactivated and then activated it, and it worked, I then continued the stream for 15 more minutes up until now and it didn't crash, I don't know if it fixed the problem entirely, or if this was the problem at all, as the crashes were happening during times where I was in game and not doing anything particular.
My stream is 20% laggy as usual due to my connection, do not know what to do about it except for constantly changing the bitrate from time to time.
Should I always activate my webcam only after starting to stream? Or am I doing anything wrong.
And what should I do about the laggs? My connection is always at around 2.5-3mb upload speed yet sometimes when i'm at a 1800 bitrate it would be a bit laggy and then be slightly better when I reduce it to 1700.. What am I doing wrong?