Question / Help HELP - OBS Has Crashed


New Member
I have no idea what to do, why it crashes, it just randomly stops my stream and crashes sometimes after 2 minutes and sometimes after 30, also I have another problem with OBS - when I record it only records my audio and not the actual screen and i've been trying to fiddle with the settings but nothing works.

PLEASE HELP ME I want to stream so bad.


Crash log attached.


  • Crash 2017-02-13 17-34-26.txt
    50 KB · Views: 28


Forum Admin
You're on an outdated version of OBS Studio, can you update and see if the crash is still present? There have been quite a few bug fixes since the version you're on.


New Member
When I'm recording the screen is black when I play the recording back.
When I'm streaming it all works as intended and fine - a bit laggy but still works, only UNTIL it crashes.


Forum Admin
Streaming also does not work if you are in "File Output Only" (Under Broadcast Settings). Use Live Stream. Also, are you Twitch streaming or YouTube Streaming?



OBS is crashing. This information you're asking for is completely irrelevant. If you don't understand the issue, please don't respond and wait for someone who does.


New Member
So I just updated, ran the stream and it just crashed again, this is what I got.


  • Crash 2017-02-13 18-25-58.txt
    46.9 KB · Views: 8


Forum Admin
Don't know what that is, and most probably not.

Hmm, the crash you're getting (since it's saying all <unknown>) is coming externally. Do you have any other video capture devices like a webcam or capture card added to your scenes? The most common cause of that is a misbehaving video device.


New Member
So I unticked my webcam and ticked it back on after I started the stream, it wasn't working. So I dis and the re-connected it from the computer, deactivated and then activated it, and it worked, I then continued the stream for 15 more minutes up until now and it didn't crash, I don't know if it fixed the problem entirely, or if this was the problem at all, as the crashes were happening during times where I was in game and not doing anything particular.
My stream is 20% laggy as usual due to my connection, do not know what to do about it except for constantly changing the bitrate from time to time.
Should I always activate my webcam only after starting to stream? Or am I doing anything wrong.
And what should I do about the laggs? My connection is always at around 2.5-3mb upload speed yet sometimes when i'm at a 1800 bitrate it would be a bit laggy and then be slightly better when I reduce it to 1700.. What am I doing wrong?


Forum Admin
So I unticked my webcam and ticked it back on after I started the stream, it wasn't working. So I dis and the re-connected it from the computer, deactivated and then activated it, and it worked, I then continued the stream for 15 more minutes up until now and it didn't crash, I don't know if it fixed the problem entirely, or if this was the problem at all, as the crashes were happening during times where I was in game and not doing anything particular.
My stream is 20% laggy as usual due to my connection, do not know what to do about it except for constantly changing the bitrate from time to time.
Should I always activate my webcam only after starting to stream? Or am I doing anything wrong.
And what should I do about the laggs? My connection is always at around 2.5-3mb upload speed yet sometimes when i'm at a 1800 bitrate it would be a bit laggy and then be slightly better when I reduce it to 1700.. What am I doing wrong?

If you're streaming to twitch, you can try this:

Use the Twitch Bandwidth Test to find the best Twitch server to stream to. Set Duration to Medium. You can uncheck any regions you're not in. After the test runs, click the Share Result button to upload a screenshot, which can then be copied and pasted here. Get TwitchTest from


New Member

Right now I'm using Italy. I live in Israel so.. results suck for me.


New Member
Omg.. I've been trying to record videos.. I recorded a 40 minutes video after making test videos where everything worked, only to find out it doesn't play audio, then I tested out 3 more short videos without changing the settings, 2 of them had perfect audio and 1 of them didn't, 1 more video after that worked as well so I recorded 1 more try, a 22 minute video, same.. no audio on it.. That's so frustrating.. my mic isn't on mute or anything.. I recorded mic audio on track 2 and 1, and made sure the recording setting has it in there.. I have no idea what went wrong.. it's like it works on some videos and on some it doesn't..


New Member
It isn't I updated it and also wrote that I did. My problems are the same. Stream is laggy, and recording sometimes records audio and sometimes doesn't.


New Member
Is there any way to edit the videos I've made? I know I recorded mic and desktop audio on different tracks, so maybe it did record it but only muted them for some reason? I just wanna know if the videos do have audio in them.. So maybe I could save them.. I just don't know what to do as I just can't record my videos in fear it just won't work.


New Member
Nevermind! I found a way to edit it, I do have audio on those recordings!
Now my only problem is the stream quality