Question / Help HELP! My scenes just got deleted!


My computer was acting up while streaming, so I restarted it.

I come back to EVERY scene being deleted. Profile seems to be in tact. So my settings are all still there, but every scene is now gone. I had tons of them.

Is there any way I can restore them? I checked through my Windows Restore feature and there was no backup made :(

Am I screwed?


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What should I do with those files?
Copy the .json.bak files and rename the copies remove the " - Copy" bit and change the extensions on the copies to .json. Alternatively, change the extension on the .json.bak files to .json, but you should make copies of them somewhere first to be safe.


New Member
Copy the .json.bak files and rename the copies remove the " - Copy" bit and change the extensions on the copies to .json. Alternatively, change the extension on the .json.bak files to .json, but you should make copies of them somewhere first to be safe.
what do i need to do to restore my old scenes? i dont get it i found this 2 files but what now?


  • Capture.PNG
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what do i need to do to restore my old scenes? i dont get it i found this 2 files but what now?
If those are the only two files you found in "%APPDATA%\obs-studio\basic\scenes\", then either you only had one Scene Collection named "Untitled", or your scenes are gone.

In the future, please make a separate thread to discuss your own issue so that you don't distract from the original poster's issue. If you'd like to discuss your problem further, I encourage you to make your own thread.
@Blue_Pill If the files @RytoEX has stated are gone the scenes but you know that you had created more its just the location "%APPDATA%\obs-studio\basic\scenes\" now doesn't contain them, you can always try the previous version option depending on your windows version and if it is enabled.


So I realized I was SOL. Completely. And reinstalled a fresh copy of Windows 10 (AU. I was on AU when my scenes got deleted.)

It just happened again. Opened OBS Studio, prompted to accept/decline the license agreement, and bam - everything is gone. All scenes, profiles, gone. I even saved a back up like 2-3 days ago of what I thought was my scenes folder, but even trying to restore does me no good.

Not sure what else to do since I already reinstalled Win 10. Unless there's some wonky issues with Win 10 AU. I 100% have had no other issues with Win 10 AU + OBS except for this.


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If it's happening repeatedly to you, the only thing I can think of is that you're introducing some setting or source that is corrupting the config files and making OBS Studio think that the config files are invalid or don't exist. However, that's just a guess. I can't say for sure.


If it's happening repeatedly to you, the only thing I can think of is that you're introducing some setting or source that is corrupting the config files and making OBS Studio think that the config files are invalid or don't exist. However, that's just a guess. I can't say for sure.

Yeah, you may be right. I did notice this happened when Steam was bugging out for me and caused me to force close it a few times.

The weirder part to me is the fact that I can't even restore my saved scenes....


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If I recall correctly, OBS Studio config files are JSON. If the JSON files are corrupted to the point where their contents are invalid, then any JSON interpreter would just refuse to read the data. JSON doesn't tolerate failure or invalid contents.

If the files, or their backups, were still there, you could try to manually repair them, but it might be faster to just remake your scenes. If it's happening very frequently, I'd suggest running some kind of backup script to backup your OBS Studio config files regularly.


I think I may have fixed my problem from causing OBS to jack my files/scenes up.

But now I need to restore my backups, before they were broken.

How does one go about repairing these JSON files?


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I think I may have fixed my problem from causing OBS to jack my files/scenes up.

But now I need to restore my backups, before they were broken.

How does one go about repairing these JSON files?
That's a bit difficult to describe if you don't know what makes JSON valid or invalid. In any case, it's just a guess. Without seeing your scene files, I couldn't say for sure if they were actually corrupted/broken.

If you have backup files that work (.json.bak files in "%AppData%\obs-studio\basic\scenes"), just delete the broken .json files and rename the .json.bak files to .json. Otherwise, if you don't have any other external working backups, you'll have to rebuild the scenes.