Help me please with multiple camera


New Member
So basically I’m running 3 GoPro camera on my hp laptop working lovely and advanced scene switching is perfect today I went In loft and found 2 normal web cams I fort I’d add a 4th camera as I think will look good ....
For some reason when I connect it it knocks one of my other camera out
No display . I’ve set them all up to Deactivate when not showing now I’ve noticed I can only activate the 4th manual this is total rubbish for me I need them all to work while my hands hands are else where ...I’ve updated obs two days ago to newest software as well all settings are only set for obs as it’s working perfect on 3 camera
Why is not possible?!!!! Do I need another go pro with capture card or is there some thing wrong in software .. I’ve spent two days playing around the final results are not good
Like I stated 3 camera work perfect on two Separate USB hubs one of the hubs run 2x GoPro capture cards and other usb hub runs the third GoPro and Bluetooth mouse and keyboard when I put the fourth camera into that hub the problem starts ...,,,i have to activate/ deactivate manual even tho The deactivate button is on the other cameras including the fourth one we’re not showing please kindly help me as a little bit sick and tired of seeing posts that are posted and not finished but appreciate the help

3 GoPro camera running on two separate hubs perfect with advanced scene switcher

4cam normal web cam knocks out one of the others
Will work if I manual activate it on the scene only can someone help me
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New Member
I'm piggybacking off this question. Hope that is ok. I will post a new question if this is a new topic as well. I searched GoPro and came across this thread. I'm very new to OSB. New as in, I just download it and haven't messed with it yet. But I am experienced otherwise. What I am trying to achieve is connecting 4 GoPros, having the 4 channels on one screen (almost like a security cam) so that I can export or capture the tiled video. I am curious if this is possible within OSB? I'm wanting it to almost be real-time. So for example, someone steps in between all 4 cameras, they can dance or whatever lol. I capture the tiled video and export it to give them right then and there on a thumb drive or whatever. I will be running this off a Mac Pro on site. I hope I explained it all correctly. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. And if I'm even in the right spot to ask this. Thanks in advance! I appreciate your time!


Active Member
Can OBS do this? yes
Though depending on the resolution you want to capture at, you may go beyond supported resolutions for OBS, and need a monster computer... it depends

First you have to get video into computer - depending on exact make/model there will be differences in USB chipsets and available bandwidth
research article on USB Root Hub limitations/constraints and work-arounds
then there is the resolution you are shooting at. For decent 1080p or higher resolution you need USB3, not the older USB2
Now, if you wanted each tile to be 5K video from a GoPro 10, with resulting video base resolution being 10K (2 5K frames on top of each other, then 2x wide as well) - yea, that is a WHOLE lot of computation power required for real-time video encoding
then you have to pick which encoding format, resolution and bitrate to encode at
So, you could need the latest most powerful workstation, and optimized at that, or something much more reasonable, depending on your expectations/needs

Note - this can easily get detailed/technical... the kind of detail where saying a Mac Pro isn't saying anything as it is too imprecise to be useful. As a rule-of thumb, consider the total resolution you want to work worth, and then look into video editing for such resolution. And then up the compute requirement if you are looking at real-time rendering (which is what you are mentioning)..


New Member
Can OBS do this? yes
Though depending on the resolution you want to capture at, you may go beyond supported resolutions for OBS, and need a monster computer... it depends

First you have to get video into computer - depending on exact make/model there will be differences in USB chipsets and available bandwidth
research article on USB Root Hub limitations/constraints and work-arounds
then there is the resolution you are shooting at. For decent 1080p or higher resolution you need USB3, not the older USB2
Now, if you wanted each tile to be 5K video from a GoPro 10, with resulting video base resolution being 10K (2 5K frames on top of each other, then 2x wide as well) - yea, that is a WHOLE lot of computation power required for real-time video encoding
then you have to pick which encoding format, resolution and bitrate to encode at
So, you could need the latest most powerful workstation, and optimized at that, or something much more reasonable, depending on your expectations/needs

Note - this can easily get detailed/technical... the kind of detail where saying a Mac Pro isn't saying anything as it is too imprecise to be useful. As a rule-of thumb, consider the total resolution you want to work worth, and then look into video editing for such resolution. And then up the compute requirement if you are looking at real-time rendering (which is what you are mentioning)..
Thank you so much for getting back to me, Lawrence! For this particular project, I was planning on dropping all of the GoPro 8s down to 1080p/60 as that is the lowest resolution they go now (unless I use there is a workaround using GoPro Labs). I wouldn't mind bumping the frame rate up to 120 or 240 though, but just to get started I would be happy with 60fps. As far as the output, I would be happy to be able to get 1080p for the quality. I had a thought after I posted my question the other day. I do have a Blackmagic Video Assist. If I could use OBS to get the 5 cameras up on one screen, I can hook my BM Video Assist up to my computer as a monitor and then can record from that since it encodes real-time straight onto an SD card. Thus eliminating the need for computing power. But I believe that would also eliminate the ability to give the person slowed down footage. I can recall at this moment if the BlackMagic can handle anything higher than 60fps.


New Member
So basically I’m running 3 GoPro camera on my hp laptop working lovely and advanced scene switching is perfect today I went In loft and found 2 normal web cams I fort I’d add a 4th camera as I think will look good ....
For some reason when I connect it it knocks one of my other camera out
No display . I’ve set them all up to Deactivate when not showing now I’ve noticed I can only activate the 4th manual this is total rubbish for me I need them all to work while my hands hands are else where ...I’ve updated obs two days ago to newest software as well all settings are only set for obs as it’s working perfect on 3 camera
Why is not possible?!!!! Do I need another go pro with capture card or is there some thing wrong in software .. I’ve spent two days playing around the final results are not good
Like I stated 3 camera work perfect on two Separate USB hubs one of the hubs run 2x GoPro capture cards and other usb hub runs the third GoPro and Bluetooth mouse and keyboard when I put the fourth camera into that hub the problem starts ...,,,i have to activate/ deactivate manual even tho The deactivate button is on the other cameras including the fourth one we’re not showing please kindly help me as a little bit sick and tired of seeing posts that are posted and not finished but appreciate the help

3 GoPro camera running on two separate hubs perfect with advanced scene switcher

4cam normal web cam knocks out one of the others
Will work if I manual activate it on the scene only can someone help me

What worked FOR ME was I went into Windows Registry and found EVERY DUPLICATE ENTRY of my DUPLICATE CAMERA and isolated each one by (mac_id)? i dunno, some identifying number... and then I searched within the registry for each entry with that one number (for one camera) and changed the NAME of the camera from EXAMPLE to EXAMPLE_2 and EXAMPLE_3 and so fourth. Its just a pain in the ass to do manually, maybe theres some software that'll do it for you, but I'm lazy so I do things the hard way.
So to sum up, search for the duplicate cameras, change their names, problem solved.


New Member
hello guys! currently I am trying to make OBS read both my GoPro cameras to use them at the same time for a stream and I cannot seem to make OBS show my second camera under seems to be reading both as the same device....please help cause I know there are other who use multiple GoPros just fine...this is Windows, not Mac


New Member
heeeey @cyclemat, sorry for late response as I thought I would be notified by email...I just took SS of how they appear on device manager (1st picture) and OBS (2nd)...this is a pretty capable Windows laptop computer (i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz) running Windows 11

problem is that OBS reads them as one device as seen below...but this happens on Zoom too so I guess it's not OBS's fault...already contacted GoPro and was told that I would receive and email from tech support to see if they could so something...

I know people on Mac use multiple GoPros on OBS because there's a past thread of a streamer who had to change the device's names on Mac settings to get OBS to show them separately so I'm guessing Windows has a similar route to fixing this...

gopro device manager.png

gopro obs.png


New Member
any help guys?...starting my stream next week hopefully if I could just get both GoPros to work simultaneously pls :/


New Member
What worked FOR ME was I went into Windows Registry and found EVERY DUPLICATE ENTRY of my DUPLICATE CAMERA and isolated each one by (mac_id)? i dunno, some identifying number... and then I searched within the registry for each entry with that one number (for one camera) and changed the NAME of the camera from EXAMPLE to EXAMPLE_2 and EXAMPLE_3 and so fourth. Its just a pain in the ass to do manually, maybe theres some software that'll do it for you, but I'm lazy so I do things the hard way.
So to sum up, search for the duplicate cameras, change their names, problem solved.
how did you change them within "registry"?


Problem: you have 2 of the same model cameras installed on your computer. In the OBS camera dropdown menus, the cameras are not easily identifiable.

Solution: as others have found, you can edit the names in the Windows registry to fix it. The problem is, the registry key FriendlyName shows up in a lot of places and it is tedious to change them everywhere. I think I found the single proper location to change the name of your webcams on a Windows 10 computer, so that the names show up as different cameras in OBS.

First, I believe that OBS is using the DirectShow API to generate the list of names. We need to find the DeviceInstance value for the webcams to find the correct FriendlyName to modify. This trick requires that you have ffmpeg installed
  1. Install ffmpeg on your computer. (what is ffmpeg?)
  2. Open up a DOS Command prompt window and run the following command:
    ffmpeg -hide_banner -list_devices true -f dshow -i dummy
  3. You should see something that looks like this:
    [dshow @ 0000027275bf8780] DirectShow video devices (some may be both video and audio devices)
    [dshow @ 0000027275bf8780] "FULL HD 1080P Webcam"
    [dshow @ 0000027275bf8780] Alternative name "@device_pnp_\\?\usb#vid_0bda&pid_5776&mi_00#6&33f079c4&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global"
    [dshow @ 0000027275bf8780] "FULL HD 1080P Webcam 1"
    [dshow @ 0000027275bf8780] Alternative name "@device_pnp_\\?\usb#vid_0bda&pid_58b0&mi_00#6&25249c4a&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global"
    [dshow @ 0000027275bf8780] "OBS Virtual Camera"
    [dshow @ 0000027275bf8780] Alternative name "@device_sw_{860BB310-5D01-11D0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}\{A3FCE0F5-3493-419F-958A-ABA1250EC20B}"
    [dshow @ 0000027275bf8780] DirectShow audio devices
    [dshow @ 0000027275bf8780] "Microphone (Realtek USB2.0 MIC)"
    [dshow @ 0000027275bf8780] Alternative name "@device_cm_{33D9A762-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}\wave_{950CC586-1BDE-46D0-AD26-F2B9C70E9AE2}"
    [dshow @ 0000027275bf8780] "CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)"
    [dshow @ 0000027275bf8780] Alternative name "@device_cm_{33D9A762-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}\wave_{097183DA-1AAE-40E7-B11E-F7D764E97A14}"
    [dshow @ 0000027275bf8780] "Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)"
    [dshow @ 0000027275bf8780] Alternative name "@device_cm_{33D9A762-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}\wave_{DA9D302D-6DB9-4240-8049-9B096FCA03D5}"
  4. There are 2 groups of results: DirectShow video devices & DirectShow audio devices. In the video devices section, find the Alternative name line for the camera you want to rename. This line contains the parent folder's name in the registry holding the value we want to edit.
    Alternative name "@device_pnp_\\?\usb#vid_0bda&pid_5776&mi_00#6&33f079c4&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global"
  5. Copy the middle part of the name to the clipboard (remove "@device_pnp_\\?\" & \global). You should have something like this
  6. Open up the Windows registry editor app regedit. In the menu across the top, go to Edit->Find and paste the contents from the clipboard into the Find what field. Click the Find Next button.
  7. In most cases it will take a minute or two to find the entry. On most computers, the registry is large and contains a lot of information to search through. On my computer, it shows up in 2 different places:

    As I understand the Windows Registry, the first one "...ControlSet001..." is the actual location. The second line "...CurrentControlSet..." is a copy that is automatically updated as soon as you make a change in the first one.
  8. The FriendlyName entry is stored in the sub-folder #global under the Device Parameters folder. You will need to:
    1. in the left pane, double-click on the folder found in the previous step
    2. then double-click on the #global sub-folder
    3. then single-click on the Device Parameters folder
    4. then in the right pane, double-click on the FriendlyName
    5. a dialog will be displayed. Edit the name in the Value data field
    6. click on the OK button
  9. Make sure you changed the correct entry. Re-run the ffmpeg command in step #2 and confirm your change worked.
  10. Go to step 4 and repeat for your other camera(s).
Now in OBS, you should see the new names in the OBS camera dropdown menus.