Help me, I just installed OBS


New Member
I just installed OBS and I figured out how to add my webcam.

I recorded a short video; however, I don't know how to save it (or to replay it while in OBS for that matter).


Active Member
I don't know how to save it
It's already saved. It records directly to a file. Set the path to that file in Settings -> Output, *before* you start recording.

(or to replay it while in OBS for that matter)
You can load the recorded video file as a Media source, or you can use the Replay buffer in Settings -> Output -> Advanced mode -> Replay buffer. The Replay buffer is in RAM, so you need that much extra available, and it allows you to do things that would be difficult with a file. And you can dump it to a file if you want too.


New Member
ok, I set my output as a folder on my desktop that I called "OBO Studio Movie File."
However, I get an error that I'm not allowed to send a file there.
See attachment:
Screenshot from 2023-10-21 01-10-00.png

Note: I also chose different folders for the output, including my "Videos" folder in my home folder & it still gives me this error - that basically I don't have permission to write to it.....


Active Member
Oh, you're using the snap version! Yeah, snaps are designed to be self-contained sandboxes that nothing gets into or out of. It's meant to be a security thing. There are ways to open it up, but you have to give each snapped app separate, explicit permission for each individual thing that you want to do. It's a royal pain.

Get rid of the snapped version of OBS, make sure it's gone, and do this instead:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ffmpeg obs-studio

Copied from the sticky thread in this sub-forum: