Question / Help Help for my settings OBS


New Member

I'm starting to stream, and I have some problems with OBS. As soon as I start the live, my FPS goes from 120 to 20-30 ( I play League of Legends). Here is the configuration of my laptop : Edition - Windows 10
Version - 1607
Operating system version - 14393.576
Installed RAM memory - 8,00 Go
Processor - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz

Here are the results of speedtest : [URL=] [/URL]

OBS estimator advises me as 3500 bitrate, but I can't. Otherwise I would have too much FPS dropped. So I streamed with these settings : Encoder : - x264 ( but I also tried Quicksync H.264 and Nvench H.264 but I didn't see the difference tbh )
Scaling : - 1280x720
Rate control : CBR
Bitrate : 2000
Keyframe Interval : 2
CPU usage preset : veryfast
Profile : main
FPS values : 30
Downscale Filter : Bicubic

And I don't use custom buffer size.

So, I would like you to help me keep my 120 FPS in play or at least have them at 60, so if you know what I need to change in my settings I would love to know.

Thank you :)


Active Member
If you use NVENC when running OBS on NVIDIA card, you run on the same card as your game.
If you are getting maximum performance for your game, you max out your GPU: low FPS and lag stream / recording
If you set FPS limit ingame (Vsync for example) and low graphic requerimentes, you can use NVENC encoding

If you run OBS on Intel HD integrated GPU you need gaem capture with multiadapter compatibility, that reduces OBS preformance.
But, as I said before, maxing GPU efort ingame leaves OBS without room to use GPU when it renders frames. So, low FPS and lags. ---> Reduce ingame FPS