Hello! When i Live Stream having audio Issues.


New Member
Hello, So I am Live Streaming our church services. The problem that I can't figure out is why in the live stream the audio sounds slowed down. I use a Yamaha TF5 console which for an issue also with OBS I need to export the audio out to a Zoom H6. So the interface in the Zoom and the Yamaha are both set at 48 kHz. In OBS I also configure the Sample rate at 48 kHz, but still the issue won't get fixed. Can Someone please let me know if I am doing something wrong or If there is something I am not doing.

The reason I use the Zoom H6 as an interface instead of the Yamaha TF5 is because OBS will automatically select the first two channels of the console instead of using the main mix, but I still have not figure out how to fix that issue.