Question / Help Hello, and am I doing this right?


New Member
Hey, I'm GrumpyDruunk or Jason whichever you wanna call me. I'm rarely sober but not that grumpy. I like to play games badly so if you play with me ever have a sense of humor or quit. ;)

that's my current/latest log I'm trying to also add a webcam so i know how to do so. also if anyone who has some spare time or know where to look does the log look like it's ok or should i change something.



New Member
Yep I'd like to know how to do so, and add secondary video sources... the entire time OBS studio runs my webcam light is on like it's running but I can't find the setting or screen to see it.
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New Member
Right Click over the in the empty "sources" box hover over "add" to add webcam click Video Capture Device and select your webcam. if your trying to capture a game select game capture


New Member
Right Click over the in the empty "sources" box hover over "add" to add webcam click Video Capture Device and select your webcam. if your trying to capture a game select game capture

I already had the webcam set up like that i removed it and readded it to the list just to make sure but i'm still not seeing it... i capture the games i play and stream them just fine.

also i tried to open my camera on my computer and got a an error message saying another app or program is currently using it.


New Member
I already had the webcam set up like that i removed it and readded it to the list just to make sure but i'm still not seeing it... i capture the games i play and stream them just fine.

also i tried to open my camera on my computer and got a an error message saying another app or program is currently using it.
restart ur pc


New Member
sorry on long delay I was sick
I tend to restart often at least once every 2-3 days but will restart a lot while messing with new software, and have restarted already trying to fix this issue...


New Member
To add a webcam, try these steps:
1. Add "Video Capture Device"
2. Make sure the webcam selected in the "Device" tab is the correct one.
3. Make sure the Source is not under another source, such as Monitor or Game capture. The sources from top-down will show first.
4. Make sure the eye on the left is on (Black with no crossbar)

If these dont work, try updating your camera's drivers in your device manager.

If this doesnt work, uninstall your camera from your PC, unplug the camera for 30 seconds, and then replug it in.