Question / Help HD PVR 2 Pixelated quality only when streaming....

Jason Bland

Hi, I made an account to post a simple problem I've been having.
When I review the footage via preview on OBS multi platform of my HD PVR 2 , it appears to be fine. As Soon as I click stream though, in ten seconds I will be receiving pixelation like this~ (The audio will be muted because I was testing out Streaming background music.) I'm not sure if I can post links, Like I said I'm new here. My pc specs are I3 2370m and 4gb of ram, and the video footage you see, OBS's settings were at a 1500 bit rate, ultra fast encoder preset, 24 FPS and 720p. All the help I can get would be appreciated, thank you all. I would upload a log file, but I don't know how...


Active Member
That is what happens when you stream at those settings. If you can't raise your bitrate then you will have to accept it.
Or lower resolution.