Question / Help Having low fps inside obs recording only


New Member
I am trying to record overwatch in the highest quality I can get 1080p 48 fps
gainward Gtx 650 ti boost 2gb vram edition
16 gb ddr3 ram
i7 3770 cpu
all drivers and all that stuff updated.
When recording with shadow play I get a perfect 60 fps recording,
but I wasnt ok with the quality.
Today when trying to record with obs studio (the 64 bit one)
In game I had 70-80 fps but on the recording in the obs it said the recording
was 15-18 fps, just a picture album. I tried lowering quality, downscaling to 720p and
lowering fps but it didn't work.

( edit: In game it remains 70-80 fps even when recording, only the recording file has
a massive drop of fps. )


Active Member
Post your OBS log please.

Also, recording at 48fps instead of 30 or 60 is not a good idea, very few would benefit from such a framerate.


Active Member
22:58:31.552: ┃ ┣download_frame: min=0 ms, median=0.003 ms, max=183.357 ms, 99th percentile=107.763 ms
Your video card definitely can't handle things.