Yes, they can hear the War Thunder planes flying in the background. My settings on OBS are Desktop Audio Device: Default and Mic Auxiliary Audio Device: USB-Ear Microphone. I was told to use Wavtap or something but I get a Kernel Extension Error so that is not working.
EDIT: Instead of using Wavtap I decided to change my AUDIO MIDI Setup and make an Multi Output device using Soundflouwer but the problem with that is that I am unable to control the volume using my volume keys so that is not very effective.
EDIT: Ok, so they can hear the other people in my teamspeak channel when I use the Multi Output device but the problem is that their voices are very very quiet, and it seems that the audio is looping. Additionally, my mic seems to be pretty sensensitive, but I figure that has to do with the buttons under the Mixer and the Mic/Aux volume.