Bug Report Gradual audio desync [last working in 0.12.3]


Forum Moderator
You're using a PS3Eye webcam, a C260 webcam and an Elgato all at the same time, so I suspect this is a USB bandwidth issue. You'll probably need to shuffle around the USB ports used by one or more of those devices.
You're using a PS3Eye webcam, a C260 webcam and an Elgato all at the same time, so I suspect this is a USB bandwidth issue. You'll probably need to shuffle around the USB ports used by one or more of those devices.
I have no problems with this setup in 0.12.3, should have mentioned that in the OP. Haven't tested on 0.13.1 since Elgato support was busted in that build.
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Forum Moderator
That's fine, it's still worth trying. Be sure to grab the latest version of OBS from the front page if you haven't already.
That's fine, it's still worth trying. Be sure to grab the latest version of OBS from the front page if you haven't already.
I'm on 0.13.4, like it says in my log. Is there any way I can test USB bandwidth without recording for 2 hours and waiting for it to trigger? Seems like kind of an exhausting process for what's essentially shooting in the dark.

I also run into the sporadic audio delay without the Elgato active, for reference.
Okay, it does seem to be USB bandwidth, the issue resolves itself when I unplug my cameras. But no combination of ports seems to work, so I'd have to shell out $200 to use my current setup with the new versions of OBS. Is there any chance this could be looked into? Everything stayed in sync before the audio backend changes, and a regression like this (even if niche and edge-case) is kinda frustrating.
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I have a laptop with 2 usb ports (all 3.0) on each side. Each side is it's own bus AFAIK, and if I have my elgato and camera on the same one, I have sync issues. I had 2 audio devices on the other side. Now I use Elgato and audio (Astro Mixamp) on one side, webcam and audio (q802USB) on the other, and have no issues with it. How many ports do you have?
6 ports, but after an hour of swapping things around, I couldn't find any combination that stayed in sync. My setup's hardly ideal, but until I can pick up an internal capture card, I'm stuck on 0.12.3, because it seems to handle the bandwidth issues better.
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