Question / Help "GPU" Option


New Member
Hello everybody,

Yesterday, I've install my first SLI (2x GTX 970). I actually used NVENC for streaming. I thinking about my new SLI and supposed stream perfs will be better. I just see a option in video tab called "GPU" (advanced, not simple display) but, I can't find what this option does.

0 works, 1 works, but 2 doesn't work (the steam not started). So, what is this option, and in wich case use it ?

Thanks for your answer !

PS : I have a i5-6600 (3.3 GHz) and 2 GTX 970. The NVENC is better than x264 with this proc right ?

Sorry for my bad english !


Active Member
No it's not. And SLI is actually going to cause you more performance problems overall since you only have 16 pci-e lanes.


New Member
Hoo right ! I didn't know that ! Sorry for the mistake, and thank you for the link. Well.
But, 2x8 and 2x16 have diff, ok, but too much ? Is there a real difference between this two lanes ?

Thanks !


Active Member
I've seen enough people trying to use SLI configurations on 16-lane cpus where they're bordering on overloading the x8 connection before OBS is even launched.

From there you get a massive performance hit.