good and constant upload speed but bitrate keeps on decreasing???


New Member
i have a constant upload speed always above 10 mbps but whenever i start my stream the bitrate stays normal for 2 to 3 seconds and then starts decreasing
for example i have set my bitrate to 7000kbps cbr
i pressed on start streaming
the bitrate is stays between 6500 to 7000 for few seconds
than starts decreasing and then goes between 1000 to 2000 kbps
that time i check my speed it is good
why is this happening?
any soln....
btw i stream on YT..
Last edited:


New Member
here is my net speed

net sp pic.PNG


Active Member
Disable the bitrate auto-adjustment in Settings->Advanced->Dynamically change bitrate to manage congestion.

Sites like are worthless for livestreamers. They measure peak speed only, not minimum speed (which streaming relies on). If you are on an intermittent connection, it will cause issues. If you are trying to stream over wifi, DON'T. Use a wired network cable instead.

Raul Alves

New Member
Estou com o mesmo problema, ja desabilitei tudo, fiz todas as configurações possíveis, inclusive fiz troca de maquina, com outro computador e o problema persiste.

Estou com o mesmo problema, já desativei tudo, fiz todas as configurações possíveis, inclusive troquei de máquina, com outro computador e o problema persiste.

Raul Alves

New Member
Alguem pode verificar se há algo errado ?

11:14:52.999: CoInitializeEx succeeded: 0x00000001
11:14:52.999: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz
11:14:52.999: CPU Speed: 2893MHz
11:14:52.999: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 4
11:14:52.999: Physical Memory: 12252MB Total, 9952MB Free
11:14:52.999: Windows Version: 6.1 Build 7601 (release: unavailable; revision: 24388; 64-bit)
11:14:52.999: Running as administrator: false
11:14:52.999: Aero is Enabled
11:14:53.001: Current Date/Time: 2020-09-03, 11:14:53
11:14:53.001: Browser Hardware Acceleration: false
11:14:53.001: Portable mode: false
11:14:53.556: OBS 25.0.8 (64-bit, windows)
11:14:53.556: ---------------------------------
11:14:53.574: ---------------------------------
11:14:53.574: audio settings reset:
11:14:53.574: samples per sec: 48000
11:14:53.574: speakers: 2
11:14:53.576: ---------------------------------
11:14:53.576: Initializing D3D11...
11:14:53.576: Available Video Adapters:
11:14:53.578: Adapter 0: AMD Radeon(TM) RX 560 Series
11:14:53.578: Dedicated VRAM: 4271132672
11:14:53.578: Shared VRAM: 4026531840
11:14:53.578: PCI ID: 1002:67ef
11:14:53.579: Driver Version: 26.20.15029.27017
11:14:53.579: output 0: pos={0, 0}, size={1366, 768}, attached=true, refresh=60, name=1943W
11:14:53.583: Loading up D3D11 on adapter AMD Radeon(TM) RX 560 Series (0)
11:14:53.597: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: b000
11:14:53.597: DXGI increase maximum frame latency success
11:14:53.597: D3D11 GPU priority setup failed (not admin?)
11:14:54.446: ---------------------------------
11:14:54.446: video settings reset:
11:14:54.446: base resolution: 1366x768
11:14:54.446: output resolution: 1920x1080
11:14:54.446: downscale filter: Bicubic
11:14:54.446: fps: 30/1
11:14:54.446: format: NV12
11:14:54.446: YUV mode: 601/Partial
11:14:54.446: NV12 texture support not available
11:14:54.447: Audio monitoring device:
11:14:54.447: name: Padrão
11:14:54.447: id: default
11:14:54.447: ---------------------------------
11:14:54.451: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded
11:14:54.451: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-ouput-ui.dll'
11:14:54.685: [AMF] Version 2.7.0 loaded (Compiled:, Runtime:, Library: 1;4;16;0;;202005151521;CL#2116351).
11:14:54.835: [AMF] [Capability Manager] Testing Direct3D 9 Adapter 'AMD Radeon(TM) RX 560 Series [\\.\DISPLAY1] (VEN_1002/DEV_67ef/SUB_30001787/REV_00cf)':
11:14:54.835: H264/AVC: Supported
11:14:54.835: H265/HEVC: Supported
11:14:54.871: [obs-browser]: Version 2.8.6
11:14:55.314: Couldn't find VLC installation, VLC video source disabled
11:14:55.319: A DeckLink iterator could not be created. The DeckLink drivers may not be installed
11:14:55.320: No blackmagic support
11:14:55.325: ---------------------------------
11:14:55.325: Loaded Modules:
11:14:55.325: win-wasapi.dll
11:14:55.325: win-mf.dll
11:14:55.325: win-dshow.dll
11:14:55.325: win-decklink.dll
11:14:55.325: win-capture.dll
11:14:55.325: vlc-video.dll
11:14:55.325: text-freetype2.dll
11:14:55.325: rtmp-services.dll
11:14:55.325: obs-x264.dll
11:14:55.325: obs-vst.dll
11:14:55.325: obs-transitions.dll
11:14:55.325: obs-text.dll
11:14:55.325: obs-qsv11.dll
11:14:55.325: obs-outputs.dll
11:14:55.325: obs-filters.dll
11:14:55.325: obs-ffmpeg.dll
11:14:55.325: obs-browser.dll
11:14:55.325: image-source.dll
11:14:55.325: frontend-tools.dll
11:14:55.325: enc-amf.dll
11:14:55.325: decklink-ouput-ui.dll
11:14:55.325: coreaudio-encoder.dll
11:14:55.325: ---------------------------------
11:14:55.325: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
11:14:55.331: All scene data cleared
11:14:55.331: ------------------------------------------------
11:14:55.400: WASAPI: Device 'Alto-falantes (Realtek High Definition Audio)' [48000 Hz] initialized
11:14:55.400: [Loaded global audio device]: 'Desktop Áudio'
11:14:55.417: WASAPI: Device 'Microfone (4- USB Audio CODEC )' [48000 Hz] initialized
11:14:55.417: [Loaded global audio device]: 'Mic/Aux'
11:14:55.423: Switched to scene 'Cena'
11:14:55.424: ------------------------------------------------
11:14:55.424: Loaded scenes:
11:14:55.424: - scene 'Cena':
11:14:55.424: - source: 'Dispositivo de Captura de Vídeo' (dshow_input)
11:14:55.424: ------------------------------------------------
11:14:55.448: adding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 21 milliseconds (source: Mic/Aux)
11:14:55.468: ---------------------------------
11:14:55.469: [DShow Device: 'Dispositivo de Captura de Vídeo'] settings updated:
11:14:55.469: video device: ezcap U3 capture
11:14:55.469: video path: \\?\usb#vid_1bcf&pid_2c99&mi_00#7&8f3bf80&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global
11:14:55.469: resolution: 1920x1080
11:14:55.469: flip: 0
11:14:55.469: fps: 30.00 (interval: 333333)
11:14:55.469: format: MJPEG
11:14:55.649: Switched to Preview/Program mode
11:14:55.649: ------------------------------------------------
11:15:37.738: Settings changed (stream 1)
11:15:37.738: ------------------------------------------------
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Encoder Parameters:
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Backend:
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Video API: Direct3D 9
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Video Adapter: AMD Radeon(TM) RX 560 Series [\\.\DISPLAY1] (VEN_1002/DEV_67ef/SUB_30001787/REV_00cf)
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> OpenCL: Not Supported
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Transfer: Disabled
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Conversion: Disabled
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Multi-Threading: Disabled
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Queue Size: 8
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Frame:
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Format: NV12 601 Partial
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Resolution: 1920x1080
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Frame Rate: 30/1
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Aspect Ratio: 1:1
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Static:
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Usage: Transcoding
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Quality Preset: Balanced
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Profile: High 4.1
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Coding Type: Automatic
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Max. Reference Frames: 4
11:15:41.814: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Max. Long-Term Reference Frames: 0
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Rate Control:
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Method: Constant Bitrate
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Pre-Pass Mode: Disabled
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> QP:
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Range: 18 - 51
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> I-Frame: 22
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> P-Frame: 22
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> B-Frame: 22
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Bitrate:
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Target: 4500000 bit/s
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Peak: 4500000 bit/s
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Flags:
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Filler Data: Enabled
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Frame Skipping: Disabled
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Period: 0 Frames
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Behaviour: Skip every Nth frame
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Variance Based Adaptive Quantization: Disabled
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Enforce Hypothetical Reference Decoder: Enabled
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Video Buffering Verfier:
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Buffer Size: 4500000 bits
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Initial Fullness: 100 %
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Max. Access Unit Size: 0
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Picture Control:
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Period:
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> IDR: 90 Frames
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> I: 0 Frames
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> P: 0 Frames
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> B: 0 Frames
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Header Insertion Spacing: 0
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> GOP Alignment: Enabled
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Deblocking Filter: Enabled
11:15:41.815: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Motion Estimation: Quarter, Half
11:15:41.816: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> B-Frames:
11:15:41.816: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Pattern: 0
11:15:41.816: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Delta QP: N/A
11:15:41.816: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Reference: Disabled
11:15:41.816: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Reference Delta QP: N/A
11:15:41.816: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Intra-Refresh:
11:15:41.816: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Number of Macroblocks Per Slot: 0
11:15:41.816: [AMF] [H264]<Id: 7> Number of Stripes: 0
11:15:41.816: ---------------------------------
11:15:41.817: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'avc_aac_stream'] bitrate: 96, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
11:15:41.818: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
11:15:41.818: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Binding to IPv4
11:15:42.013: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Interface: Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller (ethernet, 100 mbps)
11:15:42.816: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// successful
11:15:42.820: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
11:15:43.158: [AMF] <Id: 7> Initial Frame Latency is 265702504 nanoseconds.
11:17:19.460: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] User stopped the stream
11:17:19.460: Output 'adv_stream': stopping
11:17:19.460: Output 'adv_stream': Total frames output: 1452 (2889 attempted)
11:17:19.460: Output 'adv_stream': Total drawn frames: 2929
11:17:19.460: Output 'adv_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 1437 (49.7%)
11:17:19.460: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Freeing 15 remaining packets
11:17:19.464: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
11:17:19.544: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing

Raul Alves

New Member
hello I changed the provider this afternoon, another place to connect to the internet. frame problems solved. It didn't fall anymore, it connects well. thank you


New Member
Its happening after the obs update
I streamed before but there was no dropped frames etc ....
And stable bitrate....


Active Member
Updating OBS would not cause that.
The problem is, when it comes to the internet, 95% of your connection is completely out of your control. Your connection is routed from server to server in a chain of hops. If any of those servers start having a problem, your connection is affected without anything changing on your end.

You can try unplugging the power to your modem, waiting a few seconds, and plugging it back in (and any local network switches). Sometimes a simple restart can fix problems if they are on your end. Many 'home routers' can soft-fail from time to time, and a reboot can get them working properly again.


New Member
today i streamed on youtube using the slobs mobile app
i choosed 10000 kbps bitrate
started stream
the bitrate was stable (stuck at 10000 kbps)
is streaming from mobile diff from pc???


New Member
Guyssss guysss
I think i solveeddd ittt
The prob was the update of obs
I downloaded an older version of obs
Now its good
And always disable the preview before streaming if u r getting problems like me

Deleted member 274374

i have a constant upload speed always above 10 mbps but whenever i start my stream the bitrate stays normal for 2 to 3 seconds and then starts decreasing
for example i have set my bitrate to 7000kbps cbr
i pressed on start streaming
the bitrate is stays between 6500 to 7000 for few seconds
than starts decreasing and then goes between 1000 to 2000 kbps
that time i check my speed it is good
why is this happening?
any soln....
btw i stream on YT..
1- Turn ON Game Mode in Windows settings.
2- Run OBS in admin mode.
3- Download codec AAC, link: Apple codec
- No install !, extract with Winrar to any folder.
- Inside folder, install only AppleApplicationSupport64
- Reboot PC

OBS settings for streaming with NVENC encoder:

Encoder: NVIDIA NVENC (new)
Bitrate for 60 fps 1080p: 6000 kbps (Twitch official recomendations)
Keyframe: 2
Preset: Quality
Profile: high

Sample Rate: 48 kHz

Base: Your monitor resolution
Output: 1080p
Downscale: Bicubic (default)
Common FPS: 60

Network: Check ! - Enable network optimizations and Enable TCP pacing


i have a constant upload speed always above 10 mbps but whenever i start my stream the bitrate stays normal for 2 to 3 seconds and then starts decreasing
for example i have set my bitrate to 7000kbps cbr
i pressed on start streaming
the bitrate is stays between 6500 to 7000 for few seconds
than starts decreasing and then goes between 1000 to 2000 kbps
that time i check my speed it is good
why is this happening?
any soln....
btw i stream on YT..
I made a video about this

Youtube re-encodes all videos and streams, if you are a small channel then Youtube uses an old and significantly worse codec (avc) to encode the videos. This makes the video look much more pixelated than it should be

if you're a bigger channel (which is why you never see this problem on big youtube channels), Youtube automatically uses the newer and significantly better codec (vp09) in your videos and streams. This makes your video lose almost no quality at all

to force Youtube to use the vp09 codec, you can stream in 1440p or a higher resolution

doing this with videos is okay because you can record at any resolution and render it in 1440p in any video editing software

but with streaming, you have to stream at 1440p which your computer may not be able to handle

if you want to check out my video then here it is:



New Member
ok the soln that helped me
downloading old version did'nt (my bad)
so this helped me
i use lan cable to connect my pc to internet
1. go to start
2. type ethernet settings (open it)
2. click on change adapter option
3. disable the ethernet driver and enable it
this thing helped me
now i have set my bitrate to 8000 kbps
now my bitrate is stable
always between 7000 to 8000
0 dropped frames
try this.....
hope this helps.
reply if this thing helped u..

Deleted member 274374

ok the soln that helped me
downloading old version did'nt (my bad)
so this helped me
i use lan cable to connect my pc to internet
1. go to start
2. type ethernet settings (open it)
2. click on change adapter option
3. disable the ethernet driver and enable it
this thing helped me
now i have set my bitrate to 8000 kbps
now my bitrate is stable
always between 7000 to 8000
0 dropped frames
try this.....
hope this helps.
reply if this thing helped u..

Correct bitrate for each resolution