Question / Help Glitched Sections into Recorded Video


New Member
Hi, I uses OBS and now OBS Studio from a couple of years. No problems at all (well some problem to record The Binding of Isaac Rebirth...but it's a strange game).
Today I recorded a couple of videos from two different games (Hyper Light Drifter and The Binding of Isaac Rebirth) without issues (while I am playing) but once I opened the file for the editing...I notice glitched sections into them.
I said "glitched" because the problems are of multiple nature.
Sometimes there is an high pinch in the mic track (less than a second), in other parts the video, the video track simply has some "intermittence" like if hte mobile object are alternately in two places.
After the first troublesome video, I tried to change some of the setting, but nothing changed.
first log at
second one in uploaded file


  • 2017-02-07 09-22-28.txt
    13.7 KB · Views: 9
  • 2017-02-07 09-22-28.txt
    13.7 KB · Views: 6


Forum Admin
Do you have a sample of the "glitch"? Your description is a little vague. From the second log here:

Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 13 (0.0%)

A tiny amount of frames were lagged, which might explain any momentary glitches. This means that you're just barely overloading your PC. CRF 15 is pretty aggressive, you can probably get by on CRF 18.


New Member
But 13 frames in a 50 minutes video can't be the cause of glitches in multiple parts of the video (i think).
I also tried to place CBR with difference.
Also another point...I recorded with the CRF setting for weeks without problems (same games)
Unluckly I can't post a video's piece...because my editing program didn't process it well (Sony Vegas)...The weird effect I talked about is something like if the whole screen was shaked. I will try to find a way to post here...but a screenshot doesn't work to show it.
EDIT: I notice that when I try to watch again the recorded videos...they didn't show everytime the problem in the same exact way...they may be corrupted and the player tried everytime to show them better it could
EDIT2: here another kind of weirdness in the video (the shake-one can't be taken in screenshot
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Forum Admin
Without a sample to see, it will be very hard to tell what's going on. See if you are able to replicate the issue in a smaller file that you can share.

The screenshot you showed could be explained by the lagged frames.


New Member
Unluckly the screenshot shows only one of the troublesome effects.
I tried different settings and presets, I checked in the meanwhile the CPU's usage (for core) and I notice I have still some little Lagged frames (also if no core reaches go near to the 100% usage).
I am not a recording or encoding expert but I think if the CPU doesn't go on heavy work we may exclude all the "setting problems"...I start to look elsewhere, so my question is:
If the HDD became to slow to write on the right speed for OBS...How this would be displayed in the log ? (if there is a way to understand it from the log of course)