"Glitch" in video on OBS, not in-game or Shadowplay

Sean // Tazzik

New Member
-Happens on both video, stream, and OBS preview. Does not happen in game or with shadowplay on.
Things I've tried:
Shadowplay off
No Overclock
Disable SLI
DDU Graphics Driver reinstall

If you have any ideas, please let me know! I don't know what to call this problem other than "glitching?"
Here is an example of it, there are more layered throughought the vod linked: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/672057250?t=0h1m22s (when I jump around 1:25)
Here is the logs, although I didn't see anything that could help from them: https://obsproject.com/logs/fEcHWoaygkVCbG4p