Bug Report glCopyImageSubData failed


New Member
Hello guys,

I've been running into some issues lately where I can start and record/stream with OBS once, and on subsequent starts of OBS the window doesn't fully load.

This only occurs when I have a scene available in my scene list which tries to re-initialize a window that previously existed. For instance, for recording Minecraft episodes I added a scene which has a single XComposite input, the minecraft window, and an audio input, my headphones, because the general inputs still have massive latency issues with Pulseaudio.

When I close OBS and re-open it, it usually fails to render the window properly (bits are missing from actual window) and I get a bunch of errors in the console.

I tried to use the help menu within OBS but it's not there anymore, so I can't. I therefore posted it on github myself.

Here is the bug report: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/048f3b468a93ffb01b44

there's an error in this log that caught my attention:

error: obs-data.c: [obs_data_create_from_json] Failed reading json string (27): unexpected token near ']'
There seems to be some error in either generation or parsing of the scene configuration.

And of course the other giant list of errors, but I don't understand what's causing that.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
If you need to reset your data because of the json file, those files are stored in ~/.obs-studio -- it's strange that you would get an error there though.


New Member
Yes, I also found that if I remove the section about the XComposite video source OBS once again starts up normally. However, once OBS has reached this 'unstable' state, so to speak, adding the window back in through the regular add button causes OBS to crash as soon as you select the offending window from the list.

I'll see if I can add a crash log from that action as well.


New Member
Oh as an aside, though I'm not a true programmer (just a web developer) if any debugging is required to get to the bottom of this issue, just give me a shout.
I'm certainly capable of debugging issues or at least getting more details when errors occur.


New Member
I cannot reproduce this bug anymore, so I deem this fixed. If it pops up again I'll be sure to report it.
Thanks for the fantastic job to Jim and all the crew!


New Member
Well, it's happening to me again.

I've seen this occur on OBS version 0.6.4 (the stable version from the Ubuntu trusty PPA)
I've upgraded my Linux Mint to version 17.1 and I'm using XFCE as window manager still.

Once I get back home (I'm at work currently) I'll make this error happen again and post a log.

Here's a short overview of what I know so far:

I start a game (for instance XCOM: enemy unknow, I've seen this situation happen a lot with that game), then I start OBS.
If OBS doesn't have a window capture entry for XCOM yet, OBS starts up normally. I can then add the game as a window capture input and record and stream as long as I want.
However, if I had suspended the PC in the mean time, or if I had added the game as an input before, the window doesn't fully render.

I suspect that there is a bug in recognition of the window by it's window id.
I suspect this because between several restarts of both the OS and the game itself, the game might be assigned a different window ID, but the title is of course the same.
If OBS blocks while looking for the identified windows in it's configuration file, then I can see this error occurring.

I'll pop into IRC later this week to see if we can debug this issue.


New Member
Well, just for the curious: when I discussed this on the IRC channel we came to the conclusion that since my version was from the PPA and hadn't been updated in forever, I should first update to the git version. I did, and compilation went off almost without a hitch (my compliments to the writer of the INSTALL file!)
And I haven't been able to reproduce this bug since. Since the difference between 0.6.4 and 0.7.3 is massive it's hard to say if it's fixed and if so, what fixed it; but I assume it's now permanently fixed.