Getting the output from Apple TV


New Member
We want to do a live stream with a few cameras, and we have an Apple TV linked up to the projector on site that speakers have devices linked into to show powerpoint, videos etc. We only have one HDMI input at the moment (in testing phase, will use that for a camera) so want to somehow send the Apple TV output to OBS on another device (Linux, but we can set up a mac mini or something if needed) over the network. Anyone know how to do an NDI stream out from an apple tv?


Isn't that a hardware solution? We are looking for a software solution for now.
I don’t know of any software based solution for capturing an Apple TV screen, much less for then sending the captured video through a network. There may solutions for sending content via NDI to an ATV , but not from one. Even on iOS the NDI solutions only send camera output. I‘d be surprised if Apple would allow such on ATV.

Even if you go with a hardware solution, be sure and get one you can return in case you have HDCP issues with it.