Question / Help Getting OBS - VAC & Adobe Audition working Together in Harmony


New Member
I been working for the past day to get these three working correctly together, and the two symptoms I keep running into that I can't seem to solve are these:

#1 - I end up with a situation where when streaming and playing a PC game (Rainbow Six Siege) with VOIP other players can't hear my mic, but they hear all my game sounds coming through what should be my mic.

or #2 - I switch inputs around trying to solve the problem, and other players end up seeing my mic as "open/always on" but they hear nothing. (P.S. the "open/always on" is a voice activation bug in the game & unrelated to the post, but the lack of sound is not!)

Now, one last thing - earlier in the day, everything was working fine - EXCEPT - a couple (two) people out of maybe forty that I played with reported getting feedback and echoing from me over a two hour period - while most people said they had heard no problems from me whatsoever. Then I stopped playing to take a break. When I came back to resume, my mic wasn't working... And audition wasn't working right... well... this is when I discovered my Bluesnowball mic is 44,100 and everything was set to 48000. So I went and changed everything to match 44100 and ever since I've been having issues. As my mic is manufactured at 44100 I'm afraid to change back to 48000 because according to everything I've read, OBS and VAC aren't happy if everything isn't the same.

Am I doing something else wrong? Is there a step by step guide somewhere? Thanks in advance!


Would be helpful if you show all your VAC config and OBS mixer settings and such.

I have a similar setup (previously used VAC but switched to voicemeeter, but the config would be similar). Will describe my setup in generic terms in case it helps. I don't use audition myself, but understand that setup.

VAC#1 = Windows default sound device. Redirected to headphones with VAC repeater. So all games sounds and Windows apps etc go here. OBS set with this as the desktop audio device.

VAC#2 = This is what my teamspeak/mumble/discord output to. Redirected to headphones also with a VAC repeater.

VAC#3 = This is your microphone. In your case audition would have your actual mic as its input and this VAC#3 as its output. You would select the VAC#3 as you microphone input in OBS.

You can setup multi track audio recording with OBS Studio so that each of those VAC channels goes to a sep audio channel if you want. If your streaming you just want all three to go to the stream. So you just have to make sure in OBS Studio if you want the multi track audio recording you have the mixer setup with one track having only one of the three checked. For your streaming tab you want all three checked so the stream hears everything.