Gameplay audio delayed on Elgato 4k60 pro but only when Live.


New Member

I am looking for advice. I recently upgraded my capture card to an Elgato 4k60 Pro and I'm having some audio sync problems in OBS. I am posted this in Elgato's forums too but it seems to now be isolated to OBS.

The problem is like so....

When I monitor my gameplay video and audio in OBS everything seems synced and its fine. Its only when I go live and actually look at my stream that I noticed around a half second audio delay in the game play only (all other audio sources are fine). I can offset this by using negative delay but it's far from convenient (which confuses me as it means the audio is available to play sooner without delaying the video). I have tested this with two console setup ups.

N64 > Retrotink 2X Pro > Elgato
Nintendo Switch > Elgato

I thought it was maybe the Retrotink HDMI upscaler at first but after testing my Switch the problem persists.

I'd like to add that the problem is ONLY when I'm live. This does not happen when I monitor the audio and video in OBS itself offline. Which is why I am confused.

The audio delay is also not present on Elgato's capture utility, and it's also not present on the Passthrough monitor which is what I am playing on. Its only present on the live stream when live.


Windows 10
Ryzen 3700x
Gigabyte RTX 3070 Gaming OC GPU
1tb NVMe ssd
16gb Ram

Capture Card - Elgato 4k60 Pro Mk 2

any help appreciated.