Question / Help Game Runs Fine, OBS Preview and Streams Lag


New Member
For the most part, my games have been running fine with the settings I have, but with Transistor and now with Reigns, the games will run well but the preview and stream itself will lag badly. (With Transistor, the frame rate would drop to ~6FPS). I've been primarily using Display Capture, but when it's even laggy there, I know something's wrong.

I feel like I've tried everything at this point: changing the Video and Output settings, having the games in Windowed Mode, trying Display Capture vs Game Capture, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
No stream or record attempt in the log, so nothing to really look at.

You need to start streaming, go for awhile, and then stop in order to capture a log that has the necessary info.


Active Member
There is also no attempt in this log. You need to start a stream or recording session, let it run for a bit, stop it, and then take a log. Both these logs are app startup only, nothing else. If you get a log and you don't see a notice of where streaming or recording starts, then you don't have a log with a stream or record attempt in it.


Active Member
From the log:

16:59:02.863: Output 'simple_file_output': Total frames output: 143
16:59:02.863: Output 'simple_file_output': Total drawn frames: 87 (158 attempted)
16:59:02.863: Output 'simple_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 71 (44.9%)

Your GPU is overloaded. Reduce resolution or frame rate.


Active Member
You changed your quality setting to CRF 20 which is too high. Your GPU is still overloaded.

22:55:09.064: Output 'simple_file_output': Total frames output: 331
22:55:09.064: Output 'simple_file_output': Total drawn frames: 247 (348 attempted)
22:55:09.064: Output 'simple_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 101 (29.0%)

EDIT: The above is wrong, as CRF does not affect the GPU!
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Active Member
Oops. That's my error-- I don't think changing that value is going to help because CRF only affects the compressor (the work your CPU is doing). To take load off the GPU you'll need to lower the framerate or the resolution.

12:28:58.099: base resolution: 1920x1200


Active Member
Not that I know of. Having a preview window open alone tends to impact performance in my experience; I've switched to using the Multiview window instead because it seems unaffected. YMMV.