Question / Help Game Capture (Syphon) crashes League of Legends


New Member
So this is a strange problem I've been having.

I'm using SyphonInject to capture both the main game and the client. The problem is when the main game gets past the loading screen, it crashes out and I get a bugsplat. If I don't switch to the screen in OBS, it usually works fine and doesn't crash.

I can view the loading screen itself fine, it's just when the game gets past it that it crashes.


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Forum Moderator
There's a bug in syphon apparently that was causing this to happen under specific circumstances, I'm pretty sure we're going to have that dependency updated next patch. (At least, I think, if not then the patch after hopefully)


New Member
There's a bug in syphon apparently that was causing this to happen under specific circumstances, I'm pretty sure we're going to have that dependency updated next patch. (At least, I think, if not then the patch after hopefully)

Any idea what those circumstances are? Just in case I can do a workaround or something