Question / Help Game Capture jerking/stuttering on Twitch

Follow my personal guide my friend :
Obs Setup for 720p 60fps

Follow This!

Test your connection towards twitch servers first see link below.

Service : Twitch

Server : Auto

OUTPUT MODE : Advanced

Enforce Streaming Service : NO
Rescale output : NO
CBR ( only for streaming )
Bitrate 3500 ( minimum 2500 ) FPS games 4000 if your internet can handle it.
Use Custom Buffer size : NO
Keyframe Interval : 2 (Always)
CPU Usage Preset : Veryfast ( To low could make your game slower )
Profile : High ( Main = Streaming on a phone )
Tune : (None)
x264 Options : Empty

Your done with this part!


Base Resolution : 1920x1080
Output Resolution : 1280x720
Downscale Filter : Lanczos

Your done with this part!


Process Priority : Above Normal or High ( To high could make your game slower )
Renderer : Direct3D 11
Color Format : NV12
YUV Color Space : 601 ( 709 = for streaming 1080p )
YUV Color Range : Partial ( Full = for streaming 1080p )

Your done with this part!

Trouble Shooting:

Internet problems only
Stil having problems? Lower your bitrate
Stil having problems? Change twitch servers in your area
Stil having problems? Call your internet provider ( Its mostly them in my experience )

Your done with this part!

Hardware problems only
Stil having problems? Play arround with preset usage
Stil having problems? Play arround with Process Priority
Stil having problems? Use NVENC H.264 Instead of x264 with similiar settings.
Stil having problems? Overclocking your CPU or GPU
Stil having problems? Try Simpel instead of Advanced in Output Mode

Your done with this part!

Helpful Links :


( There are no quality benefits to using a custom buffer size while streaming. )

Tips :

keep your CPU usage around 70%. ( or lower if possible )
Keep your GPU usage around 80%. ( or lower if possible )

Overclocking your cpu / gpu
Direct X Update
Windows Update
Update drivers Geforce Experience
Update your OBS
Update your game
Update Drivers

Your done with scripting!
No seriously your done.


New Member
I mean, its still not fixed. Just wanted to thank you for trying.

Ah ok i thought you fixed it or something.

Try this > OBS Settings > Advanced > Process Priority > Above Normal.
Your pc wil focus more on OBS instead of the game.
Now your OBS might be fine but your game might be laggy now.
Try to lower graphics in-game.

If that didnt work then i should call a scientist.


New Member
Still the same problem with any priority. Maptools is not exactly a graphics heavy game. It would appear, however, that this issue is only when I use "Game Capture", and is not a problem at all when I capture a full window. Not an ideal fix, but hopefully one that works. I again thank you for your assistance, perhaps in future this will solve itself.
Sorry for the late response

Like you already said.
Your game capture seems to crash every time.
It tries to re-open itself in the log file but crashes again.

This might be a sollution : Select Capture Specififc window in the Game Capture Settings and choose the game in > Window

Run the game in full screen and that should do it.

Well it seems like your hardware is not up for the task.
How many percentage is your cpu currently using while your trying to stream and play the game?
Your cpu has to load The game and the amount of bitrate your sending towards twitch.
An i5 with 2.80Ghz. wil not do it unless you want to stream clustertruck.

You might want to think of upgrading your cpu.


New Member
Just checked. When streaming while have 3 youtube vids playing and using maptool, my CPU spiked up to 24% usage. Added to the CPU load Starcraft II and it went up to 35% on spikes. Memory went from 70% usage to 77%. The vids I have linked don't look like crashes to me, as when the "jitter" happens, it looks like a window pop-up copy of the background, and only when I move the mouse. Not sure where the crash idea spawned from.


Forum Admin
The application you're capturing is not a "game" in the sense that OBS expects. Window capture is the best option for it.