Question / Help Game Capture Freeze


New Member
Your PC is 'capable' your onboard intel GPU is not. Your PC spec is a little weak but if you were to put in a semi decent GPU; you can most certainly stream.


New Member
Harold, I have a similar spec POS in the corner of my room that says different. The PC is. His intel gfx is not. streaming does not have to be CPU intensive - you are wrong. I base my statements on direct experience.


New Member
I don't record on that system anymore as I now have a decent rig. my POS with a GTX 970 in it was streaming 720p absolutely fine - albeit using Dxtory - That chaps PC (with decent GPU) will stream ok - not great - but it's certainly able to do so.


Active Member
I wouldn't try to get the guy's hopes up given the low end nature of pentium processors.


New Member
I'm not saying it's going to be the best experience for him - and he won;t be able to do anything with integrated gfx - but there is hope; not everyone can afford to spend £££ and even if it's a crap least it's experience.