Question / Help Game Capture Capturing Multiple Games


New Member
I'm trying to set up OBS to capture and stream to a personal server (already have that going, don't worry) for a public computer, so it can then display on a larger screen over the network. There are multiple games and I wanted to set up a Game Capture for each one (as they're different sizes and need to be stretched and fitted individually) so it automatically shows the game when it's running, then shows nothing when it gets closed. However, the Game Capture (and the Window Capture) keeps displaying different games in captures set for other games. I've tried setting it to check for executable, window type, or title, but it doesn't seem to change anything. Is there anything I can do to ensure each capture layer only captures a single game.

I know it can be changed by scene, but I'm trying to automate the system and have no user input, since I'm running several of these systems at once and can't have someone change OBS every time a player decides to change games.

The Log:
You can see where it's hooking into a program I don't want it to about halfway through. It does the same when I make a capture for the second program and it shows the first in that capture.
