Bug Report Game Capture - Black Screen


New Member
Unfortunately this is the end of OBS for me.

It is a problem with their coding technique's with the Hook not able to detect the full screen game that's up.

"Run it as Admin!" they say, but this doesn't work

I have tried this on multiple PCs with completely different Hardware and OS installs. But yet these coders can't let their pride step aside and address the issue that's been going on for three years and get this - it's affecting both Classic and Studio yet they claim "studio was developed from ground up". If that was the case you wouldn't be seeing this exact behavior in Studio unless they chop and pasted code from one to the other, which is in fact what has happened.

Now I'm seeing why people are saying "Xplit, yo!"

The ONLY way to get around this is my using Full Screen Capture and I'm prefer to not take the risk of having something up on my screen that could have personal information. Not that I really do but hey ordering food you'd need to pause the stream but I don't trust OBS to even do that well.

Not much you can do when fresh script kiddies have a hold on the product you enjoyed until someone screwed it few years ago and no one has even tried to resolve the bug.

Won't be donating anymore.


Active Member
Not even so much as an attempt to get it working in your setup.
Nor any mention of what game you're actually trying to capture.

Nor any obs session log showing the problem.


Forum Moderator
If you'd like help, please post some relevant information like a log file, the game you're trying to capture, etc. If you plan to switch to XSplit that's fine, happy streaming, but please don't clog up the forums with this stuff.