Bug Report Game capture black screen for Overwatch


So I am having a problem where my game capture is not capturing overwatch for some reason, it seems to be the only game and I guess I would be able to use monitor or window capture with playing it in borderless, but I prefer to get it actually working correctly, any suggestions?

Suslik V

Active Member
Post a log with recording attempt, please.
  1. make a record
  2. stop it, don't close OBS Studio
  3. upload current log-file
  4. close OBS Studio.
Don't forget to alt-tab few times.


New Member
I'm having the same issues. I've been able to get the capture to work by first running the witcher 3 for a minute then exiting and starting overwatch. It doesn't always work and haven't been able to find a fix yet for this. I thought maybe this has to do with there higher res to downscaling nvidia technology but I'm not sure. If I find a work around I will post. I never tried streaming overwatch on previous OBS versions but I'm using the latest OBS studio.


I have streamed overwatch to twitch, during the beta, and have also stream an hour and a half of the full released game, no problems with OBS studio capturing it, no black screen for me, unless there has been an overwatch update, and its that that, that has caused it, i don't know.


New Member
I had to start the battle.net launcher as admin, before I could get OBS Studio to capture overwatch.
Else I would just get a black screen


New Member
for future reference, remove current scene, make a new scene, choose game capture, window:overwatch, and check multi-adapter compatability, and done.