Question / Help game capture and cam freeze?


New Member
I didn't have any problems with obs but after trying FTL from ( its like a .2 delay stream using obs ) i have had problems. I have removed OBS completely with Clean My Mac but when i reinstall it my scenes are still present and I'm not sure how to uninstall it completely, I have inform beam crew about the issue but I have try fixing it myself with no result, searches about completely removing OBS have come up short. Clean My Mac does a deep uninstall but clearly is not :( ... help AND keep up the good work!


P.S> I don't have any file logs since it doesn't really crash just freeze, thanks yall


New Member
Thanks Sapiens, i will uninstall again and go there to delete everything.


Uninstalled, deleted that folder and restarted iMac. Installed OBS fresh but everything i have added to it, images, sources, scenes are there :(
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