Question / Help Game capture an old game - black screen


New Member
I wanted to capture " Tzar the burden of the crown " with OBS studio.
Since I am using laptop my only way is game capture. I see the game exe in the drop down menu but when capturing its only black screen.
OBS studio and the game are run with admin right and on same GPU (nvidia one).

Pls tell me I have a fixable problem and how to fix it ofc :D
Thank you.


  • 2016-09-06 22-40-03.txt
    12.1 KB · Views: 24


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
There's this error in your log:
22:40:51.830: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] error acquiring, scale is bad

What resolution is the game using? Are you running it fullscreen or windowed?


New Member
Yes... I needed to reinstall OBS studio and then the Display capture worked fine. I finally can stream game and desktop capture from a laptop - pure magic!

My problem here is solved.