Bug Report Full screen recording


New Member

So here's the situation.
I'm trying to record full screen but it will only record one image of the game and after that just the cursor and sound. Here's a list of things I have tried.

Screen capture
Window capture
scaling and no scaling

It does work if I put a game on windowed mode but that is more of a work around than a solution.

So I would like to know if this is a known problem and being worked on or if there's already a solution.

I have the most recent log attached (The one thing I noticed in the log that OBS seems to be using OpenGL 3.2 though I'm not sure if this is supposed to be).


So I tried the suggestion mentioned in https://obsproject.com/forum/thread...re-but-works-windowed-mode.23182/#post-118395 and switched to the opensource driver and with it, it does work but the performance is much lower ><.

Update 2

I also tried recording using SimpleScreenRecorder and it gives the exact same result as OBS so, the problem is caused by either FFmpeg or AMD but since it does work with the opensource drivers I think the fault lies with AMD. So I will put a post on their form hoping that they can fix it.

Update 3

I have made a post on the AMD forum link: https://community.amd.com/message/2698505#2698505
so if others have the same problem please comment on that post (the more people that acknowledge the problem the more likely it is they are going to fix it).


  • 2016-01-06 10-40-39.txt
    16.9 KB · Views: 21
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New Member
So it seems that I falsely accused the AMD drivers, I did a simple test on both the AMD driver and the open driver and compared the two logs with each other and made a list of differences in the logs.

There seems to be 3 differences in the two logs from which I suspect the difference in OpenGL version is the trouble maker

AMD driver: version: 3.2.13416 Core Profile Context 15.302
Open driver: OpenGL version: 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 10.5.9

I attached the logs.

After finding the difference, I looked for a way to force a different OpenGL version without luck though, so i'm hoping someone on the forum knows how to do this.


  • AMD - 2016-01-07 07-44-06.txt
    8.7 KB · Views: 22
  • open - 2016-01-07 07-57-51.txt
    8.8 KB · Views: 18
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New Member
So, I tried getting it to work again and I found a workaround. The workaround is using the Lubuntu desktop like so:

- Go to the terminal
- Type: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop
- Wait for the install
- Restart your PC
- In the login screen in you can see a Ubuntu icon, click on it.
- Select Lubuntu
- Record (I only tested window capture)

Note: In the preview screen I only see red, but the record file shows the record as expected and you can go back to the normal desktop by logging out and selecting the normal desktop.