Bug Report Full screen game capture (crossfire issue or BF4?)


I have a scene with just one source game capture. It will not capture BF4 in full screen no matter what I try.

Things I have tried:
Fired up OBS first, fired up Bf4 first, rebooted, tried ticking capture any full screen application (both on and off). ticked multi-adapter compatability (on and off), tried capturing the window than going back to full screen. None of those things worked, it will capture it as a window but not full screen.

Just reporting this, since I know this is under development, not complaining.

basic system specs if it helps:
windows 8.1 64 bit
i7 4930k
3 r9-290x's
32 gigs of ram


The Helping Squad
Hmm, it takes 1-2 seconds but then OBS-MP (using the capture fullscreen application option) works just fine.
It wont show up on the list of programs though.


I am using a second screen to see if it is streaming. It isn't working.

Here is the logfile

here are the settings:



I tried it without multi-adapter capability checked and it works, but no crossfire. I also tried it without putting something under the window field and just leaving it detect any full screen app, and it doesn't work at all that way.

Anytime I check the multi-adapter capability, I end up getting a black screen ( I can see the mouse move sometimes though). Looks like this, black screen with a red border where the game should be showing.

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