Question / Help Frozen videos and "encoding overload"


New Member
My log file:

So I just installed OBS Studio 0.16.6 to record some video games on my computer as doesn't work on my computer. When I click to stop recording, the button will freeze on "stopping recording..." and never actually go to "start recording" unless I click it again. Then when viewing videos I recorded, it'll just have the first frame of the video up and the video will immediate freeze. The audio still goes, however. Then it cuts out after about 3 minutes. I looked at the taskbar and somehow I got it to tell me there was an "encoding overload". How do I fix this?
11:14:34.535: Output 'simple_file_output': Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 7551 (1086.5%)
11:14:34.535: Output 'simple_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 522 (6.9%)

Try reducing resolution to 720p and record at 30 FPS. Also, change your CPU usage preset to superfast or ultrafast (in advanced settings).

Your processor is quite weak so it will have some trouble live-encoding videos. Your CPU just can't keep up with encoding the video which is why you are getting freezes. Changing settings might not do much. I suggest you upgrade to a quad-core processor with a clock speed of 3.00 GHz or higher.