Question / Help Freezing recently while streaming


New Member
How would I go about fixing it? I've deleted everything under %appdata% related to obs-studio and C: and it still is happening


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Well, having done that, you've probably just nuked all of your OBS Studio settings. Though, I don't think you could've deleted everything related to OBS Studio, or you wouldn't be able to run it.

Provide a new log showing that you're loading up a fresh Scene Collection and Profile now that you've deleted everything.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Since it's still loading your scenes and sources and it's still freezing/crashing, then I'm still inclined to go with the first crash log and say one of your browser sources is causing the issue.


New Member
Going to delete all the browser sources, and give that a shot, see if it lasts for longer than 15-20 minutes


New Member
Ok, so I had to leave it be while getting ready for work, but after disabling all browser sources it's ran for 40 minutes, though i'm really wanting to find a fix but in the mean time I can work with this, thanks a bunch for your help!