Framning guides that don't show in recordings


New Member
It would be nice to be able to have framing guides or other elements that won't show in recordings, that way we can record horizontal content and then in post edit it to verticle (eg for tiktok). Use case is recording a blender tutorial or video in horizontal then cropping it to vertical in post, that way you can move the view to anywhere on the screen. but the framing guide will help give us a rough guide of where the stock spot will be


New Member
I would also love some video framing crosshair options in the Preview screen that does not show in the Program view.

Some options that would be extremely helpful to me would be standard halfway crosshairs (+), an even-thirds grid (tic-tac-toe board), and a Phi grid (golden ratio grid). Some might find a traditional golden ratio overlay helpful also.


Active Member
A version of that has been a standard option forever:

You're saying it needs more markings than what it currently has? Or there needs to be a second checkbox for a different set so it doesn't get too cluttered?
Or did you post first and not actually look?