Question / Help frames missed due to rendering lag


New Member
Hello people,

I'm having issues with missed frames while i stream. I understand that it is due to rendering lag. I stream at 720p 60 fps. I`ve tried everything. Even went down from 140fps to 60 fps by limiting frames and it still would miss frames. Doesnt matter if I play at 140 fps or 60, my gpu runs around 60% and cpu the same.
Link to log file


PC specs:
GPU: gtx 1060 6gb
CPU: i9 9900k
MB: msi z390 gaming pro carbon
Ram: 32gb G.SKILL Aegis 32GB 3000MHz
SSD: 970 EVO Plus M.2 500GB
Internet speed: img attached


Please people, help me understand what im doing wrong.

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Active Member
21:43:04.112: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 184 (0.1%)

This amount of rendering lag is not an issue.

If you have a session that has visible issues with stuttering and dropped frames, it would be useful to see a log from that session.

The is the general help page for rendering lag issues:

That said, your log shows some other issues:

20:09:55.449: - source: 'Game' (game_capture)
20:09:55.449: - filter: 'Render Delay' (gpu_delay)
20:09:55.449: - filter: 'Render Delay2' (gpu_delay)
20:09:55.449: - filter: 'Render Delay3' (gpu_delay)
20:09:55.449: - filter: 'Render Delay4' (gpu_delay)

This is going to increase GPU load.

20:09:55.449: - scene 'Gagming':
20:09:55.449: - source: 'DayZ' (game_capture)
20:09:55.449: - source: 'cs' (game_capture)
20:09:55.449: - source: 'HnG 1' (game_capture)
20:09:55.449: - source: 'PUBG' (game_capture)
20:09:55.449: - source: 'HnG Gameplay' (game_capture)
20:09:55.449: - source: 'Game Capture' (game_capture)
20:09:55.449: - source: 'GV' (image_source)

Multiple game capture sources in the same scene is non-performant. You should use a single source and reconfigure on a per-game basis as needed, or keep these sources in separate scenes.


New Member
Hi narco, thank you for being here. That stats tab is two days old and the log is from yesterday. ill be streaming today and will post a fresh log file later on. i will get rid of all scenes and reduce fps from 60 to 48 and see if that helps.


Active Member
Whatever the cause of the quality issue is here, it's not rendering lag. You may wish to try troubleshooting on a clean scene collection and profile without any plugins or browser sources and test if the same issue occurs.


Active Member
So something in your scene was causing the lag. Start reconstructing them piece by piece until the lag returns.


We do not support Streamlabs nor any OBS user that chooses to use Stream Lab components. Streamlabs makes its revenue from donations through use of these very Stream lab components.

20:09:55.449: - scene 'CS GO':
20:09:55.449 : - source: 'CSGO GAME' (game_capture)

20:09:55.449: - source: 'Stream Labs' (browser_source)
20:09:55.449: - source: 'Events' (browser_source)
20:09:55.449: - scene 'Rusts':
20:09:55.449: - source: 'rust game capture' (game_capture)

20:09:55.449: - source: 'Stream Labs' (browser_source)


Active Member
I can only speak for myself, but I don't care what plugin or widget an OBS Studio user uses. Be it Streamlabs or be it anything else. If he uses OBS Studio and has an issue with OBS Studio, this forum is the right place to ask. He cannot expect any support for a 3rd party widget of course. If someone has an issue with a 3rd party widget, he should seek support from the manufacturer of that widget.

It's the same as with some smart TV: the support for that TV only supports the stuff that is delivered with the TV but not any external app you might install from some 3rd party. It is also unable to help if some TV channel suddenly stops broadcasting or if the picture becomes bad - the broadcaster is the one to ask.


Active Member
I also was under the impression that users of SLOBS are encouraged to seek support from StreamLabs because SLOBS, while it is a fork of OBS, has a different UI, a different logfile, and is different enough that supporting it is barely practical, to say nothing of the issues of its provenance.

To extend the same advice to people using StreamLabs as a browser source in OBS itself I think is a bridge too far.


I see nothing in place here to distinguish between StreamLab users and OBS users besides looking at their log file. For me, anything that vaguely looks like SLOBS doesn't get my attention. That's where I draw the line. Its one thing to volunteer free time here, its another to be getting paid from those who are benefiting....


Active Member
A browser source that uses StreamLabs overlays is not at all like using SLOBS. You're of course free to help or not help, but I only direct people to StreamLabs support for people who are using the SLOBS app, not people using OBS with StreamLabs overlays. I use StreamLabs overlays.