Question / Help Frame Duplication in Capture


New Member
For about nine days now, I've been experiencing an issue where intermittently there will be duplicate frames in any video capture on my PC. Everything will proceed normally, then out of nowhere the source itself will begin duplicating every fourth or fifth frame, resulting in a smudgy, low quality video. The game and OBS both continue to read 60 fps, however, and my CPU only maxes out around 80% and GPU around 70%. This will persist until either I change the game from windowed to borderless or fullscreen (happens in all three) or I turn off VSYNC, at which point the exact same frame duplication begins to occur in the game itself. This occurs in Game Capture, Window Capture, and Display Capture. I've tried reinstallation of OBS and my GPU driver, I've tried rolling OBS back to 25.0.4, I've tried three different monitors in every combination of two (as I'm running a two monitor setup and suspected some sort of sync issue) with monitors running the same refresh rates, different refresh rates, I've turned on and off every setting in OBS, the Radeon Software, game mode on and off, and every in-game setting. This wasn't an issue until about nine days ago, and I've been trying to fix it ever since, but it's difficult to recreate as it seems to occur randomly. At first I thought it was an issue with Dark Souls Remastered, so I reinstalled the game and it continued. Then the issue happened in Dark Souls 3 as well. Please help me; I don't know what else to do and I'm at my wit's end trying to solve this.

Video of the Phenomenon: the first part of the video is my normal quality and the second part is with this problem occurring. I made sure to recreate exactly what I was doing in game as closely as possible:

PC Specs:
MSI Radeon R9 390x 8GB
AMD Ryzen 5 2600
MSI x370 Gaming Plus motherboard
Kingston Technology HyperX Fury 16GB DDR4 2133
EVGA SuperNova 1000 P2

Log attached (not from the video above, but during another instance of this issue occurring).


  • 2020-05-04 23-35-29.txt
    13.9 KB · Views: 13


Active Member
I know that this frames-out-of-order issue has presented before, and there was a fix, but I'm unable to find the older thread after a good bit of searching.
Sorry for the ping @R1CH, but I think you knew the cause/fix last time?


Forum Admin
I don't remember anything like this unfortunately :(. Maybe g-sync / pre-rendering?


New Member
I used the AMD equivalents of (Free Sync and Radeon Anti-Lag, respectively) both without success. I don't understand why this issue has arisen; the game it happens in, Dark Souls Remastered, is one I've used OBS with since its release two years ago and I've NEVER had a problem until recently.


New Member
Update: I have resolved this issue. I used the Radeon Software to create a custom resolution for each monitor (1920x1080 with both refresh rates manually set to 59.94) and I set OBS to record at 59.94 FPS. I don't know if the last step was necessary, but it seems my suspicions that this was a refresh rate mismatch were ultimately correct. I just hadn't applied the correct solution yet.