Bug Report Frame drops when option clicking the Wifi icon


New Member
I've noticed some strange frame drops when doing certain activities on the Mac.
Yes I'm streaming at 5000 bitrate in this log, but this issue also occurs when streaming at 2000 bit rate.

Option clicking the Wifi icon on the menu to see signal strength... Upload bit rate goes from 5000 to 0 briefly. In the log it was 59 frames dropped, but I've seen worse.

Same thing if I open the Notes app. Frame drops.
Textedit -- no problem. Notes -- massive frame drops.

I wouldn't expect little things like this to cause such an issue with the stream when my cpu usage is only showing around 30%.

Any thoughts on this?


  • 2018-01-09 10-44-20.txt
    13.1 KB · Views: 11


Active Member
Par for the course, unfortunately.

On the same hardware, OBS seems to perform significantly better on either Windows or Linux than MacOS. Whether it's the fault of OBS or Apple's creaky, old OpenGL implementation, or something else entirely I'm nowhere near qualified enough to say.

You might try assigning OBS a higher priority in terminal:

sudo renice -20 XXXX​

Where XXXX is the pid of OBS. -20 is the highest priority in MacOS. YMMV.