Question / Help Frame drop not affecting output video but making massive desync in Premiere Pro !


New Member
So here's the pain inducing problem I've been seeing the last few days.

I record something in OBS and the resulting video is just fine- no issues. Quality and sync is perfect.
But when moving it into Premiere there is a gradual desync in the audio that ends with a full second or two in audio delay towards the end.
After researching I found everyone blames this on having Variable Frame Rate instead of CFR.
But after consulting help on the forum I found OBS doesn't use VFR at all, but that it might somehow be tied to dropped frames during the OBS render. Which is all well and good but... the video turns out fine
It's only once it goes into Pro that problems happen!

I tied using Handbrake to impose a constant FPS (since that's what every post on the internet says to do) but the resulting video output has the exact same issues.

Is this even due to dropped frames at all or is this ANOTHER problem that I'm not aware of? Please advise.