Question / Help FPS issues after upated GPU


New Member
So I updated my GPU from 750Ti to 1070.
When I used 750Ti I had literally no issues at all and I was able to stream at 720p@60fps.

After I updated my GPU my fps and gameplay have been struggling on performance really bad and even if I change my obs settings to 30fps and use lowest graphic settings in any games it doesn't help at all.
When I play and have those performance struggles it still doesn't seem like I have any issues in my stream. In other words, my stream is not lagging at all, only my game(s).
I've deleted all of my video drivers and reinstalled them many times without any results.

My CPU is i5-4690K but I don't really think it does matter in any ways in this case.

Would the issue be that my GPU is too new for a full compatibility?

The first who will solve this issue will be loved in my heart my whole life.


EDIT: I overclocked my CPU from 3.5Ghz to 4.2Ghz. That fixed the issue in CS:GO at least but the issue still remains at least in R6: Siege.
EDIT2: Sorry!! I forgot to put my logs here;
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